Achmad Himawan, - and Nana Juniarti Natsir Djide, - and Sandra Aulia Mardikasari, - and Rifka Nurul Utami, - and Andi Arjuna, - and Ryan.F. Donnelly, - and Andi Dian Permana, - (2022) A novel in vitro approach to investigate the effect of food intake on release profile of valsartan in solid dispersion-floating gel in-situ delivery system. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Alhidayah, - and Muh. Al Fiqri, - and Nirmayanti, - and Ummu Athiyyah, - and Tamara Gabriela Angeleve Fadjar, - and Firzan Nainu, - and Andi Arjuna, - and Andi Dian Permana, - Validation of spectrophotometric method for quantification of cefazoline in simulated tear fluid and porcine ocular tissue from thermosensitive-mucoadhesive in situ ocular gel preparation. Chemical Data Collections 2021.