Andi Sumidarti, - and Aries Chandra Trilaksana, - and Afniati Rachmuddin, - (2022) The Effectiveness of Brown Alga (Sargassum polycystum) Extract in Reducing the Lipoteichoic Acid Level of Enterococcus faecalis Bacteria through Toll like Receptor-2 Expression in Fibroblast Cell Culture. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry.
Aries Chandra Trilaksana, - and Syamsiah Syam, - and Muhammad Ruslin, - and Yung-Kang Shen, - The Potential of Trigona spp. Propolis as an Antioxidant Agent to Reduce Residual Peroxide after Intra-Coronal Bleaching Treatments. MPDI 2022.