Irene Edith Rieuwpassa, - and Sri Ramadany2, - and Sumintarti, - and Israyani, - and Harun Achmad, - and Rini Sitanaya, - and Hans Lesmana, - and Arni Irawaty Djais, - and Arrang Sesioria, - and Harmawaty, - and Nur Hildah Inayah, - and Nurul Mutmainnah, - (2022) The Effectiveness of Moringa Leaf Extract (Moringa Oleifera)Against Porphyromonas gingivalis Bacteria in Periodontitis Cases Through IL-1 Cytokine Analysis. Journal of International Dental and Medical Research.
Harun Achmad, - and Rini Sitanaya, - and Hans Lesmana, - and Arni Irawaty Djais, - and Rosdiana Agustin, - (2022) Effectiveness of Twin Block Device as Upper Airway Correctionin Pediatric Patients with Class II Malocclusion and Its Relationship with Muscle Contraction: A Systematic Review. Journal of International Dental and Medical Research.
Arni Irawaty Djais, - and Asdar Gani, - and Erni Marlina, - and Jennifer Tjokro, - (2022) PERIODONSIA. In: -. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. ISBN 978-623-203-323-8
Hasanuddin Thahir, - and Arni Irawaty Djais, - and Mansjur Nasir, - and Ayu Rahayu Feblina, - and Afdalia Annisa, - and Nir Etriyani, - and Harun Achmad, - (2022) Virgin Coconut Oil as a New Concept for Periodontal Tissue Regeneration via Expressions of TNF-α and TGF-β1. International Journal of Biomaterials.
Ali Yusran, - and Nur Indasari Rajab, - and Harun Achmad, - and Arni Irawaty Djais, - and Gani A, - and Sumintart, - and Rasmidar Samad, - The Effectiveness Concentration of Basil Leaf Extract Inhibiting the Growth of Candida Albicans: Literature Review. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results ¦ Volume 13 ¦ Issue 4 ¦ 2022.
Harun Achmad1, - and Sherly Horax, - and Supiaty, - and Arni Irawaty Djais, - and Asmidar Anas, - and Lenny Indirani Hartika, - The Effectiveness of Using Twin Block Functional Appliances and Activators in Class II Malocclusion. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 13: issue 4. pp. 939-947.
Harun Achmad, - and Maria Tanumihardja, - and Sherly Horax, - and Marhamah F Singgih, - and Ali Yusran, - and Rini Sitanaya, - and Hans Lesmana, - and Arni Irawaty Djais, - and Zia Nurul Zahbia, - Effectivity of Occlusal Splint for TMD Treatment in Child and Adolescent. Journal of International Dental and Medical Research ISSN 1309-100X.