Bulan, Tamar Hasriati Embong (2023) POLA KONSUMSI PANGAN KELUARGA PADA KOMUNITAS ADAT TERPENCIL YANG MENGALAMI STUNTING DI DESA POLEWALI KECAMATAN BAMBALAMOTU KABUPATEN PASANGKAYU = Food consumption patterns of Remote Indigenous community families Experiencing Stunting in Polewali Village Bambalamotu District Pasangkayu Regency. Thesis thesis, Universitas Hasanuddin.
Bulan, Tamar Hasriati Embong (2023) POLA KONSUMSI PANGAN KELUARGA PADA KOMUNITAS ADAT TERPENCIL YANG MENGALAMI STUNTING DI DESA POLEWALI KECAMATAN BAMBALAMOTU KABUPATEN PASANGKAYU = Food consumption patterns of Remote Indigenous community families Experiencing Stunting in Polewali Village Bambalamotu District Pasangkayu Regency. Thesis thesis, Universitas Hasanuddin.