Dirayah Rauf Husain, - and Riuh Wardhani, - (2021) Antibacterial activity of endosymbiotic bacterial compound from Pheretima sp. earthworms inhibit the growth of Salmonella Typhi and Staphylococcus aureus: in vitro and in silico approach. Iranian Journal of Microbiology.
Eva Johannes, - and Amran Laga, - and Magdalena Litaay, - and Dirayah Rauf Husain, - and Nur Haedar, - and Mustika Tuwo, - and Julisda Hernianti Muru, - and Julianto Pasandin, - The Potentials of Isolated Hexadecanoic Acid of Hydroid Aglaophenia cupressina Lamoureoux as an Antifungal Compound on the RottenStrawberries Fragaria x ananassa Dutch. and Mango Mangifera indica L. International Journal on Advanced Engineering Information Technology Vol.12 2022.
RIUH WARDHANI, - and Dirayah Rauf Husain, - and Fuad Gani, - Reduction of Surface Tension of Petroleum Using Hydrocarbon Degrading Bacterial Activity. ASM Sc. J., 17, 2022.