Andi Tessiwoja Tenri Ola, - and Roni Rahmat, - and Ahmad Nurul Fahri, - and Heryanto Heryanto, - and Inayatul Mutmainna, - and Elisa Sesa, - and Dahlang Tahir, - (2022) Synergistic Efect of Chitosan and Activated Carbon (AC) in Suppressing Recombination Charge of Composite Ca2Fe2O5 −AC/ Chitosan for High Photodegradation of Fipronil Wastewater. Journal of Polymers and the Environment.
Roni Rahmat, - and Nur Halima, - and Heryanto Heryanto, - and Elisa Sesa, - and Dahlang Tahir, - Improvement X-ray radiation shield characteristics of composite cement/ Titanium dioxide (TiO2)/Barium carbonate (BaCO3): Stability crystal structure and chemical bonding. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 204 (2023) 110634.