R.I. Maulany, - and G.T.S. Putra, - and N. Nasri, - and A.S. Hamzah, - and P.O. Ngakan, - (2021) Initial Investigation of Sulawesi Moor Macaque (Macaca maura) in Tabo-tabo Forest, South Sulawesi - Indonesia. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science (012033): 886 (2021).
R.I. Maulany, - and G.T.S. Putra, - and N. Nasri, - and A.S. Hamzah, - and P.O. Ngakan, - Initial Investigation of Sulawesi Moor Macaque (Macaca maura) in Tabo-tabo Forest, South Sulawesi - Indonesia. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 886.