Putra Astaman, - and Ahmad Ramadhan Siregar, - and Musran Munizu, - and Hastang, - (2023) Risk Mitigation Analysis of Bali Cattle Smallholder Farming Using House of Risk Approach. Social Science Journal.
Hastang, - and A Asnawi, - and Daryatmo, - and T Meidiana, - (2021) Analysis of the gross profit margin of broiler in the closed house at the Faculty of Animal Science - Hasanuddin University. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 788.
A Amrawaty, - and A Asnawi, - and Hastang, - and S Nurlaelah, - (2021) Characteristics and breeders responses to beef cattle insurance. IOP Publishing 2021.
P Saranraj, - and P Sivasakthivelan, - and P Sivasakthivelan, - and , A Sudha, - and A R Al-Tawaha, - and S N Sirajuddin, - and Hastang, - (2021) Diversity and evolution of Bradyrhizobium communities relating to Soybean cultivation: A review. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 788.
Hastang, - and ST. Rohani, - and Siti Nurlaelah, - and Muhammad Darwis, - (2019) TINGKAT KEMAMPUAN PETERNAK DALAM MEMELIHARA SAPI POTONG DI KECAMATAN PATIMPENG. SEMNAS PERSEPSI IV, Makassar.
Kasim K, - and Rohani, - and Hastang, - and Nurlaelah, - The Influence of Breeder Entrepreneurial Ability, Farmer Motivation and Partnership System on the Growth of Broiler Business in Barru Regency. J. Glob. Innov. Agric. Sci., 2024, 12(3): 677-683.
Sitti Nurani Sirajuddin, - and Hastang, - and Lellah Rahim, - and Bogarth, - and Siti Nurlaelah, - P R O G R A M D A N K E B I J A K A N PEMBANGUNAN PETERNAKAN DI INDONESIA. In: -. Pusat Kajian dan Sumber Belajar LPMPP Universitas Hasanuddin 2022. ISBN 978-623-99509-1-0
Ambo Ako, - and Renny Fatmyah Utamy, - and Syahdar Baba, - and Hastang, - and Andi Arif Rahman, - The effect of leaf meal in supplements on milk yield and quality of Friesian Holstein dairy cows. Livestock Research for Rural Development 35 (3) 2023.