Meta Mahendradatta, - and Ulfa Mutmainnah Alri, - and Mariyati Bilang, - and Abu Bakar Tawali, - Utilization of black rice (Oryza sativa L. indica) extract in making sarabba as functional drink. Canrea Journal: Food Technology, Nutritions, and Culinary, 2021; 4 (2): 75–82.
Meysi Azkiyah, - and Amran Laga, - and Meta Mahendradatta, - and Riku Shimomura, - The effect of rice types on chao properties during fermentation. Canrea Journal: Food Technology, Nutritions, and Culinary, 2021; 4 (2): 83–90.
Meta Mahendradatta, - and Abu Bakar Tawali, - (2022) Ikan Gabus : Si Gesit Kaya Manfaat. In: -. CV. Dandelion Publisher. ISBN 978-623-373-356-4