Items where Author is "Nurjannah Nurdin, -"

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Number of items: 9.


Nurjannah Nurdin, - and Khairul Amri, - and Supriadi Mashoreng, - and Teruhisa Komatsu, - (2022) Estimation of Seagrass Biomass by In Situ Measurement and Remote Sensing Technology on Small Islands, Indonesia. Ocean Science Journal.

Nurjannah Nurdin, - and Khairul Amria, - and Syafyudin Yusufa, - and Abd Rachman Rasyid, - and Agus Aris, - and Syazwi Qutbhi Al Azizi, - and Teruhisa Komatsu, - (2022) UAV's Remote Sensing for Observation of Micro Atolls in Shallow Waters of Small Islands, Spermode Archipelago, Indonesia. Department of Marine Science, Hasanuddin University,.

Nurjannah Nurdin, - and Khairul Amri, - and Abd Rachman Rasyid, - and Dwia Aries Tina Pulubuhu, - and Nurliah Nurdin, - and Teruhisa Komatsu, - (2021) CORAL REEFS ON INHABITED AND UNINHABITED SMALL ISLANDS, SPERMONDE ARCHIPELAGO, INDONESIA. -.

Lilik Maslukah, - and Riza Yuliratno Setiawan, - and Nurjannah Nurdin, - and Muhammad Helmi, - and Rikha Widiaratih, - (2021) Phytoplankton Chlorophyll-a Biomass and the Relationship with Water Quality in Barrang Caddi, Spermonde, Indonesia. Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology 2022.

Rohani Ambo-Rappe, - and Nurjannah Nurdin, - (2021) Quantification of blue carbon in seagrass ecosystems of Southeast Asia and their potential for climate change mitigation. Elsevier.

Lady A. S. Wijayanti, - and 2Nurul Fitriya, - and Mochamad R. Firdaus, - and Tony B. Satriyo, - and Djumanto, - and Riza Y. Setiawan, - and Nurjannah Nurdin, - and Muhammad Helmi, - and Mukti Zainuddin, - (2020) Deep sea phytoplankton community of the Sangihe-Talaud Islands waters. Bioflux, 2020, Volume 13, Issue 5.

Nurjannah Nurdin, - (2020) Spatial Water Quality and Plastic Buoy of Seaweed Culture in Coastal Area, Indonesia. PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE.

Book Section

Nurjannah Nurdin, - (2020) Informasi Geospasial Gugusan Pulau Kecil Kepulauan Spermonde. In: Informasi Geospasial Gugusan Pulau Kecil Kepulauan Spermonde. Penerbit ANDI. ISBN 978-623-010755-9

Nurjannah Nurdin, - (2018) Penginderaan Jauh dan Aplikasinya pada Ekosistem Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil Terluar Kepulauan Spermonde. In: Penginderaan Jauh dan Aplikasinya pada Ekosistem Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil Terluar Kepulauan Spermonde. Penerbit ANDI. ISBN 978-979-29-6582-7

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