Mimi Arifin, - and Shirly Wunas, - and Pratiwi Mushar, - and M. Alwy Arifin, - and A. Idham A. Pananrangi, - and Gafar Lakatupa, - and Jayanti Mandasari, - and A. Munawwara Abdu, - (2023) Typology and configuration of Lake Tempe floating house in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering.
Mimi Arifin, - and Shirly Wunas, - and Pratiwi Mushar, - and Wiwik W. Osman, - and Gafar Lakatupa, - and Jayanti Mandasari, - The Development of Mitigation-Based Infrastructure of Coastal Settlement and Fishery-Economic Resilience. Civil Engineering and Architecture 10(2): 692-702, 2022.