Rita Irmawaty, - and Fakhruddin, - and Januarti Jaya Ekaputri, - Experimental and analytical study for shear strengthening of reinforced-concrete beams using a prefabricated geopolymer–mortar panel. Case Studies in Construction Materials 17 (2022) e01568.
Muhammad Akbar Caronge, - and M.W. Tjaronge, - and Irwan Ridwan Rahim, - and Rita Irmawaty, - and Franky E.P. Lapian, - Feasibility study on the use of processed waste tea ash as cement replacement for sustainable concrete production. Journal of Building Engineering 2022.
Fakhruddin, - and Rita Irmawaty, - and Rudy Djamaluddin, - Flexural behavior of monolith and hybrid concrete beams produced through the partial replacement of coarse aggregate with PET waste. Elsevier 2022.
A. Arwin Amiruddin, - and Herman Parung, - and M. W. Tjaronge, - and Rita Irmawaty, - and Mansyur, - and M. Tumpu, - INFLUENCE OF PREFABRICATED FOAM CONCRETE AS INFILL WALL ON THE STRENGTH DUE TO CYCLIC LOADING. International Journal of GEOMATE, May, 2022.