Syawal, Abdullah (2022) Perbandingan Analgetik Preventif antara Kombinasi Ibuprofen 400 Mg dan Paracetamol 1 G Intravena dengan Ibuprofen 800 Mg Intravena Terhadap Derajat Nyeri dan Kadar Substansi P Pascabedah Seksio Caesarea dengan Anestesi Spinal = Comparison of Preventive Analgesics between the Combination of Ibuprofen 400 Mg and Paracetamol 1 G Intravenous with Ibuprofen 800 Mg Intravenous on the Degree of Pain and Substance P Levels after Caesarean Section with Spinal Anesthesia. Thesis thesis, Universitas Hasanuddin.