Wahyuni, Weni (2022) PERBANDINGAN ANTARA LOADING DOSE 50% DENGAN 75% BUPIVACAIN ISOBARIK 0,5% EPIDURAL ANESTESI UNILATERAL DUA POSISI LATERAL DEKUBITUS FLEKSI DAN EKSTENSI PADA OPERASI EKSTREMITAS BAWAH (TINJAUAN TERHADAP MULA KERJA DAN LAMA KERJA BLOK UNILATERAL) = Comparison between 50% and 75% Loading Dose of Isobaric Bupivacaine 0.5% in Lateral Decubitus Flexion and Extension in Epidural Unilateral Anesthesia during Lower Extremity Surgery: An Overview of the Onset and Duration of Unilateral Block Action. Thesis thesis, Universitas Hasanuddin.