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Cecilia Tania Emanuella, Armin Lawi, dan Hendra (2022) DEPLOYMENT MODEL PREDIKSI HARGA SAHAM APPLE INC PADA BEBERAPA BURSA EFEK MENGGUNAKAN METODE MULTIVARIATE GATED RECURRENT UNIT. Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Departemen Matematika, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Hasanuddin.
Muhammad Islahfari Wahid, Armin Lawi, dan A. Muh. Amil Siddik (2022) Evaluasi Kinerja Model Transfer Learning Menggunakan Ensemble Pada Klasifikasi Penyakit Daun Tomat. Fakultas MIPA/Departemen Matematika, Universitas Hasanuddin.
Asmiaty Sahur, Amir Yassi, Elkawakib Syam’un, Fachirah Ulfa and Abdul Haris Bahrun, Fadjry Djufry, and Nuniek Widiayani (2022) Effect of Methanotroph Bacteria Isolated from Paddy Rice Plant (Oryza sativa L.) on Growth and Yield Components of Rice. International Journal of Agronomy Volume 2022, Article ID 9639326, 5 pages.
Fatma Maruddin, Wahyu Triputra Hasim, Nursida, Ratmawati Malaka and Hikmah Muhammad Ali, Muhammad Taufik, Syahriana Sabil (2022) Effects of drying methods and acidic strength on physicochemical properties of potassium caseinate. Italian Journal of Food Science, 34(1),1-12. Januari 2022 1120-1770.
Jainal Arifin, Karya Triko Biakto, Putu Acarya Nugraha Winangun (2022) Cervical myelopathy due to an endodermal intraspinal cyst in a two-year-old child: a case report. Bali Medical Journal (Bali MedJ) 2021, Volume 10, Number 3: 950-955, P-ISSN.2089-1180, E-ISSN: 2302-2914.
Muhammad Andry Usman, Benny Murtaza, Putu Acarya Nugraha Winangu and Dave Kennedy (2022) Chronic Rupture of Achilles Tendon Caused by Haglund’s Deformity: A Case Report.
DINI, IWAN and SOEKAMTO, NUNUK HARIANI and FIRDAUS,, FIRDAUS and SUPRATMAN, UNANG and LATIP, JALIFAH (2022) Alkaloid Caulerpin and Cytotoxic Activity against NCL-H460 Lung Cancer Cells Isolated along with β-sitosterol from the Halimeda cylindracea Decaisne. Sains Malaysiana 50(9)(2021): 2663-2674. pp. 1-12.
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Sarina, Sarina and Sunusi, Nurtiti and Herdiani, Erna Tri (2022) An Estimator For Simultaneous Equation Model Using Two Stage Ridge Method (Case Study On Farmer Exchange Rate Data In Indonesia). IJRP.ORG, 106-1. pp. 1-11.
Suranta Muli Sitepu, Wiwik Wahidah Osman, Mimi Arifin, - (2022) Arahan Peningkatan Kualitas Bermukim Rusunawa Lette Berdasarkan Konsep Kenyamanan Tinggal (Livability). Fakultas Teknik Universitas Hasanuddin..
Umul Fadila Safitri, Ihsan, Venny Veronica Natalia, - (2022) Evaluasi Kualitas Visual Lanskap Kawasan Pesisir Teluk Palu Dengan Menggunakan Coastal Scenic Evaluation System (CSES). Umul Fadila Safitri et al. /Jurnal Wilayah dan Kota Maritim,.
Nur Ilmi Najamuddin Amini, Andi Hasizah, Rindam Latief (2022) FORTIFIKASI HARD CANDY BERBAHAN DASAR BUBUK DAUN KELOR (Moringa oliefera.L) = Study of Making Hard Candy Formulation Based on Moringa Leaf Extract. PROGRAM STUDI ILMU DAN TEKNOLOGI PANGAN, DEPARTEMEN TEKNOLOGI PERTANIAN.
Adisya Inaya Muqita, Rindam Latief, Nur Faidah Rahman (2022) PENGARUH SUBSTITUSI PUREE LABU (Cucurbita Moschata) DAN PERBEDAAN WAKTU FERMENTASI TERHADAP PEMBUATAN ROTI MAROS = Effect Of Pumpkin Puree (Cucurbita Moschata) Substitution And Fermentation Time Differences In The Production Of Maros Bread. PROGRAM STUDI ILMU DAN TEKNOLOGI PANGAN DEPARTEMEN TEKNOLOGI PERTANIAN.
Munira Hasjim (2022) NILAI-NILAI BUDAYA DAN KEARIFAN LOKAL DALAM KELONG MAKASSAR = CULTURAL VALUES AND LOCAL WISDOM IN KELONG MAKASSAR. Department of Indonesian Literature Faculty of Cultural Science Hasanuddin University.
Sitti Rafiah, Irene Edith Rieuwpassa, Uleng Bahrun (2022) Pathomechanism of Bone Mineral Density Decrease: A study of Role of Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL), Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein (oxLDL) and Receptor For Activation of Nuclear Factor Kappa β Ligand (RANKL). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPECIAL EDUCATION Vol.37, No.3s, 2022.
Andi Aliah Hidayani, Asmi Citra Malina A. R. Tasakka and Widyastuti Umar, Md. Jobaidul Alam, Amit Kumer Neogi and Sapto Andriyono (2022) Low Genetic Diversity Study on Leopard Coral Grouper Plectropomus leopardus (Perciformes: Serranidae) from Sulawesi, Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, 14 (2) : 349-359.
Fika Yuliza Purba, Yoshihisa Ishimoto, Takahiro Nii and Naoki Suzuki, Naoki Isobe (2022) Effect of temporary cessation of milking and estradiol combination on the antimicrobial components in goat milk. Research in Veterinary Science 152 (2022) 387–394.
M. Rifqi Rokhman, Bustanul Arifin, Zulkarnain Zulkarnain and Saidah Rauf, Dyah Aryani Perwitasari (2022) Bibliometric Analysis of the Utilisation of FINDRISC in Patients with Diabetes: 2005-2021. Borneo Journal of Pharmacy Vol 5 Issue 3 August 2022 Page 288 – 298.
Ferdinand C Situmorang, Nina Maksimiliana Ginting, Merry Dawapa and A Amiruddin (2022) Comparative study on rituals in highland farming areas In North Sumatera and in Tohoku. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 473 (2020) 012027.
Kaharuddin, M S Solle, H Zubair, Syaifuddin, and A Amiruddin (2022) Evaluation of vegetable farming system. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 681 (2021) 012068.
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Harun Achmad, - and Supiaty, - and Asmidar Anas3, - and Asrina Zohraeni Thamrin, - (2022) Evaluation of Electromyography and Muscle Contraction in the Use of Myofunctional Appliances: A Systematic Review. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 13 (4).
Ahmad Luthfi Ridwan, Jalil Genisa, Andi Hasizah (2022) KARAKTERISTIK KOPI ARABIKA (Coffea arabica L.) INSTAN DENGAN PENAMBAHAN GULA AREN (Arenga pinnata) SEBAGAI MINUMAN FUNGSIONAL = Characteristics of Instant Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) With The Addition of Aren Sugar (Arenga pinnata) as a Functional Drink. PROGRAM STUDI ILMU DAN TEKNOLOGI PANGAN DEPARTEMEN TEKNOLOGI PERTANIAN FAKULTAS PERTANIAN UNIVERSITAS HASANUDDIN.
Rudi Walujo Prastianto, Fuad Mahfud Assidiq, and Mukhtasor (2022) Impact Assessment of Breaking Waves Criteria Subjected to Wave Energy Converter. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1081 (2022) 012049.
Faisal Mahmuddin, Abdul Latief Had, and Syerly Klara (2022) Realistic Floating Breakwater Design Based on an Optimized 2D Model. The International Conference on Marine Safety and Environment (2013).
Syerly Klara, Abd Latief Had, Baharuddin & M. Uswah Pawara (2022) KAJIAN POTENSI ENERGI ANGIN DI PERAIRAN BARAT DAN SELATAN PULAU SULAWESI. Prosiding 2013.
Bernadetha Tabi, Faisal Mahmuddin, 1), dan Syerly Klara (2022) PERANCANGAN DAN OPTIMASI PROPELLER PADA SISTEM KONVERSI ENERGI ARUS LAUT DENGAN METODE PROPELLER VORTEX LATTICE (PVL). Program Studi Teknik Sistem Jurusan Perkapan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Hasanuddin.
J. S. Nurfadila, - and S. Baja, - and R. Neswati, - and D. Rukmana, - (2022) Analysis of trends and driving factors for plantation crop production. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 28 (No 5) 2022, 828–836.
Syahrul Juaksha Subuki, - and Muhadar, - and Syamsuddin Muchtar, - and Nur Azisa, - (2022) Criminal Liability for Parents: Paying for the Crimes of their Children. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. ISSN 2281-3993
Wida Minarti, - and Suriah, - and Muhammad Syafar, - and Sudirman Natsir, - and Lalu Muhammad Saleh, - and Muh Yahya, - (2022) Eating Habits of Hypertension Patients in The Work Area of Pallangga Public Health Center Gowa Regency. Journal of Positive School Psychology 2022, Vol. 6, No. 6.
Suriah Suriah, - and Suci Adriani, - (2022) Perspectives of pregnancy care in rural areas by pregnant women of Bugis ethnicity. Science, Engineering and Health Studies.
Harun Achmad, - and Dewi Kurniyanti, - and Sitti Susilawati, - and Sarwo Edy, - and Dewi Meilyana, - and Iramayanti Kas, - and Indira Ayu, - (2022) Advantages of Interceptive Orthodontic Treatment; Rapid Maxillary Expansion in Children with Malocclusion Resulting from Mouth Breathing Habits. Journal of Dentistry and Oral Sciences. ISSN ISSN: 2582-3736
Harun Achmad, - and Iramayanti Kas, - and Dewi Kurniyanti, - and Sarwo Edy, - and Dewi Meilyana, - and Indira Ayu, - (2022) Comparison of the Effectiveness of Orthodontic Treatment with Adenotonsillectomy Procedures in Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Journal of Dentistry and Oral Sciences. ISSN ISSN: 2582-3736
Syamsuar Manyullei, - and RasmuUtamy Basri, - and La Ode Bahtiar, - and Ahmad Azharulhaq, - and A. JihanAsyuraAprilyani Amri, - and Arif Anwar, - and Rudi HendroPutranto, - (2022) PUBLIC HEALTH IMPACT OF RAT ON FLOOD-PRONE AREAIN INDONESIAN SETTINGS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. American Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Development (AJMRD) Volume 04, Issue 06.
Burhanuddin Arafah, - and Muhammad Hasyim, - (2022) Digital Literacy on Current Issues in Social Media: Social Media as a Source of Information. Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia.
Sawedi Muhammad, - and Suryanto Arifin, - and Ridwan Syam, - (2022) The Controversy of Mine License Extending and Their Impact on Environmental Sustainability in Indonesia. THE 17TH ASIA PACIFIC SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION (APSA) CONFERENCE.
IRMAWATI, - and MEIMULYA, - and ASMI CITRA MALINA A. R. TASSAKKA, - and NADIARTI, - and NITA RUKMINASARI, - and INCE AYU KHAIRANA KADRIAH, - and HASAN NASRULLAH, - and ALIMUDDIN, - (2022) Identification, genetic diversity, and comparative evolution of the striped snakehead Channa striata (Bloch, 1793) in Wallacea, Indonesia. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity.
Dr. Maskun, SH., LLM., - (2022) State Responsibility (Encylopedia of Public International Law in Asia Volume II Southeast Asia). -.
Mawardi Bahri, - and Indah Puspitasari, - (2022) Alpha-Rooting Color Image Enhancement Method for Discrete Fourier Transform and Discrete Quaternion Fourier Transform.
Bidayatul Armynah, - and Sitti Hajar, - and Roni Rahmat, - and Ahmad Nurul Fahri, - and Paulus Lobo Gareso, - and Heryanto Heryanto, - and Dahlang Tahir, - (2022) Structural Properties and Degradation Efficiency Photocatalyst-based Composite Titanium Dioxide/Activated Carbon by Charge Trap System for Groundwater Reach Phenol Treatment. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering.
Rahmadi Tambaru1, - and Enan M. Adiwilaga2, - and Ismudi Muchsin2, - and Ario Damar2, - (2022) PENENTUAN PARAMETER PALING DOMINAN BERPENGARUH TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN POPULASI FITOPLANKTON PADA MUSIM KEMARAU DI PERAIRAN PESISIR MAROS SULAWESI SELATAN. Prosiding Simposium Nasional Pengelolaan Pesisir, Laut, dan Pulau-pulau Kecil.
Abdul Alim Yamin, - and Sri Purwanti, - and Zulkharnaim, - and Hasrin, - and M. Fadhlirrahman, - and Ichlasul Amal, - and Jasmal A Syamsu, - (2022) EDUKASI PETERNAK BUDIDAYA MAGGOT SEBAGAI BAHAN PAKAN SUMBER PROTEIN DI KABUPATEN SIDENRENG RAPPANG (Program Bina Desa Mahasiswa Fakultas Vokasi Univeristas Hasanuddin). (Village Empowerment Program of Vocational Faculty Students, Hasanuddin University).
Hasnah Natsir1, - and Abdur Rahman Arif1, - and Abdul Wahid Wahab1, - and Prastawa Budi1, - and Rugaiyah Andi Arfah1, - and Arwansyah Arwansyah2, - and Ahmad Fudholi3,4, - and Ni Luh Suriani5, - and Achmad Himawan6, - (2022) Inhibitory effects of Moringa oleifera leaves extract on xanthine oxidase activity from bovine milk. Pharmacia 69(2): 363–375.
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Hasyim, M.Si, - (2022) KUESIONER PENELITIAN. Faculty of Cultural Sciences.
Balqis Shintarahayu, - and Surya Hariyanto, - and Shabrina Velina, - (2022) Planning and Optimization of Electric-Hybrid Power System on Air Bus Roro. THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL UNDERGRADUATE AND POSTGRADUATE CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE (IUP 2022).
Sawedi Muhammad, - and Ridwan Syam, - (2022) PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE OF BUREAUCRATIC PATHOLOGY IN RURAL. Department of Sociology, Hasanuddin University.
Muh. Iqbal Latief, - and Arsyad Genda, - and Suryanto Arifin, - (2022) Managing Social Conflict Through Strengthening Village Institutions in Bone District. 1Department of Sociology, Social Sciences, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia.
Muh. Syahrial Gharissah, - and Ardiansyah Ardiansyah, - and Sitti Rahmah Pauziah, - and Nurul Awaliyah Muhammad, - and Roni Rahmat, - and Heryanto Heryanto, - and DahlangTahir, - (2022) Composites cement/BaSO4/Fe3O4/ CuO for improving X‐ray absorption characteristics and structural properties.
Dino Rimantho, - and Syaiful Syaiful, - and Nurfaida, - and Uci Sulandari, - (2022) Electronic waste bank model as a solution for implementing circular economy: Case study DKI Jakarta-Indonesia.
Salman Ardi Syamsu, - and Rino Setiady, - and Nilam Smaradania, - and Prihantono, - and Febie Irsandy, - and Muhammad Faruk, - (2022) Synchronous breast cancer and non-Hodgkin lymphoma: A case report. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports.
Georgina Maria Tinungki, - and Budi Nurwahyu, - and Agus Budi Hartono, - and Powell Gian Hartono, - (2022) Team-Assisted Individualization Type of the Cooperative Learning Model for Improving Mathematical Problem Solving, Communication, and Self-Proficiency: Evidence from Operations Research Teaching.
Irwanty Parura, - and Darmawansyah, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Amran Razak, - and Stang, - and Atjo Wahyu, - (2022) ANALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTING DELAYS IN FINANCIAL REPORTING OF HEALTH OPERATIONAL ASSISTANCE AT PUBLIC HEALTH CENTERS IN JAYAWIJAYA REGENCY. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3). ISSN ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X
Kamsinah Kamsinah, - and Yuliyanah Sain, - and Nurazizah Aliah, - and Nurasia Natsir, - (2022) Comparison of How Arabic and English Foreign Language Learners Compliment and Respond to Praises. Journal of Research and Innovation in Language.
Casman Casman1, - and Nurlaila Fitriani2, - and Deny Gunawan3, - and Rohayati Rohayati4, - (2022) Analysis of Convalescent Plasma Transfusion in Children Confirmed with COVID-19: A Systemic Review. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing.
Idar Mappangara, - and Andriany Qanitha, - (2022) Tele-electrocardiography in South-East Asia Archipelago: From a Basic Need for Healthcare Services to a Research Implementation. -.
ANDRIANY QANITHA, - and NURUL QALBY, - and MUZAKKIR AMIR, - and CUNO S. P. M. UITERWAAL, - and JOSE P. S. HENRIQUES, - and BASTIANUS A. J. M. DE MOL, - and IDAR MAPPANGARA, - (2022) Clinical Cardiology in South East Asia: Indonesian Lessons from the Present towards Improvement. -.
Idar Mappangara, - and Irawan Yusuf, - and Ali Aspar Mappahya, - and Andriany Qanitha, - (2022) CYP2A6 gene polymorphism and severity of coronary atherosclerosis in Indonesian male smokers. -.
A. Arifin, - and R. Khaerani, - and A. K. Lebang, - and I. Idris, - and S. Dewang, - and D. Tahir, - (2022) Low-Cost High-Sensitive Plastic Optical Fiber-Based Sensor for Detection of CO(NH2)2 Urea. Journal of Sensors Volume 2022,.
Ilmi Anugriani1, - and Abdul Salam1, - and Safrullah Amir1, - and Nurhaedar Jafar1, - and Nurzakiah1, - (2022) Jurnal Gizi Masyarakat Indonesia Vol.11, No.2, November 2022. Prodi Ilmu Gizi Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Hasanuddin.
Haryati, - and Dody D. Trijuno, - and Marlina Achmad, - (2022) Effect of Dietary Carboxymethyl Cellulose Level in Diets with different Levels of Protein and Carbohydrates on Digestibility, Growth, and Survival Rate of Tiger Shrimp (Penaeus monodon Fab.). International Journal of Chemistry, Material and Environnemental Research (IJCMER).
Buchari Mengge, - and Suparman Abdullah, - and Sawedi Muhammad, - (2022) Urban Small-Scale Fishing Community within the Vortex of Social Exclusion (Case of Urban Fishing Community in Makassar City, Indonesia). Department of Sociology, Hasanuddin University, Makassar Indonesia.
M.P. JOHAN, - and I.A. PATURUSI, - and H. YURIANTO, - and M.A. USMAN, - and M.A. USMAN, - and M.A. ABIDIN, - and M.A. KAWILARANG, - and D. KENNEDY, - (2022) The role of neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio in predicting lung metastasis in giant cell tumor of the extremities. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences.
Dr. Abdul Salam, SKM.M.Kes, - (2022) JURNALGIZIMASYARAKATINDONESIA Vol.11,No.2,November2022. ProdiIlmuGizi FakultasKesehatanMasyarakat UniversitasHasanuddin.
Mardiana Adam1, - and Harun Achmad, - and Maria Tanumihardja, - and Sitti Raoda Juanita Ramadhan, - and Afriani, - and Adhawanty, - and Nur Masyta, - (2022) The Benefits of Golden Sea Cucumber (Stichopus hermanni) as an Alternative Antimicrobial Material in Oral Health. Journal of International Dental and Medical Research ISSN 1309-100X.
Nurul Aisyah Jafar, - and Elyas Palantei, - and Intan Sari Areni, - and Zulfahmi Rizal, - (2022) A Flexible Lungs Shape Radiator Structure Printed on a Textile Materials.
Tri Astuti, - and Syahro Ali Akbar, - and Delsi Afrini, - and M. Nasir Rofiq, - and Fajri Basyirun, - (2022) The Evaluation of Using Bio Activators Based on Rumen Content of Dry Matter, Organic Matter, and Crude Protein on Oil Palm Fronds as Ruminant Feed. Hasanuddin J. Anim. Sci.Vol. 4, No. 1: 1-6.
Nursamsi, - and Ahmad Ramadhan Siregar, - and Abdul Razak Munir, - (2022) Analysis of Household Consumer Preferences Based on Horse Meat Attributes in Determining Purchases at Traditional Markets in Jeneponto Regency. Hasanuddin J. Anim. Sci.Vol. 4, No. 1: 7-19.
Idawarni Asmal, - and Edward Syarif, - and Samsuddin Amin, - and Muhammad A. Walenna, - (2022) The Impact of the Environment and People’s Attitudes on Greywater Management in Slum Coastal Settlements. Civil Engineering Journal.
Aris Munandar, - and Muhammad Ihsan, - and Nur Amelinda Kharia, - and Puput Angriani, - and Nurul Hikmah, - and Fhildza Zhafirin, - (2022) Hukum Pidana Kekerasan Seksual. PENERBIT KBM INDONESIA.
A N F Rahman, - and R Latief, - and H Kartono, - (2022) Extraction and analysis of lutein and antioxidant activities from red spinach’s root, stem, and leaf. International Conference on Food Science and Engineering 2022.
: Dr. Faisal Mahmuddin, - (2022) EPI International Journal of Engineering Editorial Board. Publication Division, Center of Technology (CoT) Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University. ISSN 2615-5109
Lapian, Lady Galatia and Zulkifli, Andi and Amran, Razak and Indahwaty, Sidin and Russeng, Syamsiar and Saleh, Ariyanti and Tamar, Muhammad and Chalidyanto, Djazuly (2022) Differences in Nurse Burnout Rates Based on Spiritual Aspects through Self-Leadership Training and Emotional Intelligence Mentoring. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 10 (G). pp. 594-598. ISSN 1857-5773
Salwah Suardi, - and Andi Indahwaty Sidin, - and Alimin Maidin, - and Fridawaty Rivai, - and Irwandy, - and Syamsudin, - and Anwar Mallongi, - (2022) The Effects Of Work Motivation And Work Environment To Nurses Work Engagement During Pandemic Covid-19 At Hasanuddin University Hospital Makassar 2022 Year. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 13 (4). pp. 2120-2127.
Ismartoyo, - and Syahriani Syahrir, - and Rohmiyatul Islamiyati, - (2022) The Remarkable of Farmer’s Household Food Security at the Village of Moncongloe Bulu Maros South Sulawesi. Emerging Challenges in Agriculture and Food Science Vol. 7.
Yudai Shimizua, - and Masahiro Kurodab, - and Yuki Nakamitsub, - and Wlla E. Al-Hammada, - and Suzuka Yoshidaa, - and Yuka Fukumura, - and Yoshihide Nakamura, - and Kazuhiro Kuroda, - and Ryo Kamizaki, - and Satoshi Imajoh, - and Yoshinori Tanabe, - and Kohei Sugimoto, - and Masataka Oitad, - and Irfan Sugiantoe, - and Babatunde O. Bamgbosef, - and Yoshinobu Yanagig, - and and Junichi Asaumi, - (2022) Usefulness of Simple Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging for Head and Neck Tumors: An Early Clinical Study. Acta Med. Okayama Vol. 77, No. 3.
Dzulkarnaim Waspada, - and Syarif Beddu, - and Triyatni Martosenjoyo, - (2022) Universal Design Study of Circulation Systems at the Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University Gowa. The Asian Institute of Research Education Quarterly Reviews.
Uswatul Chabibah, - and Sudirman Nasir, - and Hans Pols, - (2022) Medicine, health, and development in Indonesia. Yearbook for the History of Global Development - Volume 2, 2.
Sulistiani Jarre, - and Indah Raya, - and Prihantono, - and Santi Santi, - (2022) Synthesis, characterization, molecular docking studies of Mn(II) Prolinedithiocarbamate and its potential as anticancer agents. Molecular Diversity.
Maria Ulfa, - and Fazriyas, - and Dinda Tri Agustina, - (2022) Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi Dan Persepsi Masyarakat Desa Pulau Cawan Terhadap Ekowisata Pantai Solop Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir. Jurnal Hutan Masyarakat Vol.14 No1 Juli 2022.
Irma Sribianti, - and Sultan, - and Muthaminnah, - and M. Daud, - and Nirwana, - and Andi Aziz Abdullah, - and Ashar Sardiawan, - (2022) 2. Estimasi Biomassa, Cadangan Karbon, Produksi O2 dan Nilai Jasa Lingkungan Serapan CO2 Tegakan Hutan di Taman Hutan Raya Abdul Latief Sinjai Timur. Jurnal Hutan Masyarakat Vol.14 No1 Juli 2022.
Nur Hikmah Auliana, - and Reyna Ashari, - and Laswi Irmayanti, - and Andi Ridha Yayank Wijayanti, - and Muhammad Rhafly Husen, - (2022) Pemanfaatan Tanaman Sagu (Metroxylon Sp.) oleh Kelompok Tani Hutan (KTH) Mandiri Sejati sebagai Sumber Ketahanan Pangan di Desa Loleo Kota Tidore Kepulauan. Jurnal Hutan Masyarakat Vol.14 No1 Juli 2022.
M. Rizky Pratama, - and Rahmat Safe'i, - and Hari Kaskoyo, - and Indra Gumay Febryano, - (2022) Hubungan Partisipasi Dalam Pengelolaan Gabungan Kelompok Tani Dengan Status Kesehatan Hutan. Jurnal Hutan Masyarakat Vol.14 No1 Juli 2022.
Fahyumi Rahman, - and Muzani Jalaludin, - (2022) 5. Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Hutan Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Pada Masyarakat Bali. Jurnal Hutan Masyarakat Vol.14 No1 Juli 2022.
Wahyuni wahyuni, - and Rizki Amaliah, - and Muh. Yusuf Fadhel, - and Maha Rezki, - (2022) Kesesuaian Penggunaan Lahan Dengan Pola Ruang Di Daerah Aliran Sungai Tallo. Jurnal Hutan Masyarakat Vol.14 No2 Desember 2022.
Akbar Wahyudi Akbar Wahyudi, - and Andang Suryana Soma, - and Usman Arsyad, - (2022) Analisis Perubahan Penutupan Lahan di Daerah Aliran Sungai Kelara Menggunakan Citra Sentinel 2. Jurnal Hutan Masyarakat Vol.14 No2 Desember 2022.
Evan Vria Andesmora, - and Riko Aprianto, - and Dodo Tomi, - and Wahilman Syahmi, - (2022) Keanekaragaman Tanaman Obat di Masyarakat Lokal Semerap, Kabupaten Kerinci, Jambi. Jurnal Hutan Masyarakat Vol.14 No2 Desember 2022.
EKO SETIAWAN, - (2022) Implementasi Konsep Tri Hita Karana Dalam Konservasi Taman Nasional Alas Purwo Berbasis Kearifan Lokal. Jurnal Hutan Masyarakat Vol.14 No2 Desember 2022.
Nurul Qomar, - and Dhani Adrian Firmansyah, - and Kausar Kausar, - (2022) Kelembagaan Lokal Masyarakat Suku Talang Mamak dalam Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Hutan di Taman Nasional Bukit Tiga Puluh, Provinsi Riau. Jurnal Hutan dan Masyarakat Volume 15 No 1, Juli 2023.
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Bony Pattipawaey, - and Muhammad Alwy Arifin, - and Darmawansyah, - and Indar, - and Lalu Muhammad Saleh, - and Vonni Polopadang, - and Muhammad Kardi Rais, - and Muh. Yusri Abadi, - (2020) Analysis of Internal Conditions Improvement of Hutumuri Inpatient Community Health Center to Primary Class D Hospital in Ambon City; Feasibility Study of Hutumuri Inpatient Health Center. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology.
Adriana Saleng, - and Darmawansyah, - and Muhammad Alwy Arifin, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Nurhaedar Jafar, - and Syamsuddin Wadi, - and Hasanuddin Ishak, - (2020) Analysis Of Differences In The Quality Of Health Services In Main Accreditation And Basic Accreditation Community Health Center In Tana Toraja Regency. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology.
Harun Pattah, - and Muhammad Alwy Arifin, - and Indar, - and Darmawansyah, - and Anwar Daud, - and Aminuddin Syam, - and Anwar Mallongi, - (2020) Analysis of Factors Affecting the Workload of Health Workers in the Namrole Public Health Center and Wamsisi Public Health Center in South Buru Regency. Medico-legal Update, 20 (4).
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Johan Stefanus Norimarna, - and Amran Razak, - and Muh. Alwy Arifin, - and Indar, - and Hasanuddin Ishak, - and Muh. Asdar, - and Muh. Yusri Abadi, - (2020) Evaluation of Healthy Indonesia Program Process with Family Approach (Pis-Pk) on Hypertension Indicator on Ambon City. Medico-legal Update.
Resireng Fairing Watmanlussy, - and Amran Razak, - and Darmawansyah, - and Muhammad Alwy Arifin, - and Muhammad Syafar, - and Anwar Daud, - and Nurhayani, - (2020) Overview of Nurse Performance Quality of Service in Theinpatient Room Dr. D. Anatototi Larathospital. Medico-legal Update.
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Ria Rizqa Dewi, - and Alwy Arifin, - and Furqaan Naiem, - (2020) The Influence of Medication Availability in BPJS Patient Satisfaction in Inpatient Rsud Lanto DG. Pasewang Jeneponto Regency. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding.
Marinus Hanry Siahainenia, - and Amran Razak, - and Indar, - and Muhammad Alwy Arifin, - and Arifin Seweng, - and Muh Asdar, - and Anwar Mallongi, - (2020) The Analysis Quality of Inpatient Room Service to Patient Satisfaction (Case Study of Saparua General Hospital). Medico-legal Update.
Lita Astrid Tarumalesej, - and Muhammad AlwyArifin, - and Darmawansyah, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and AgusBintara Birawida, - and Muh. Yusri Abadi, - (2020) The Influence of Public Health Center Management on the Quality Public Health Center Services in Ambon City. Medico-legal Update.
Samna Detek, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Muhammad Alwy Arifin, - and Amran Razak, - and Arsunan Arsin, - and Nurhayani, - and Anwar Mallongi, - (2020) Evaluation of the Ability Family Planning Center Officers in the Youth Counseling Information Center Program in South Buru Regency. Medico-legal Update.
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Eddy H. Habar, - and Muhammad Ruslin, - (2020) Treatment of skeletal class III malocclusions with a combination of orthodontic treatment and orthognathic surgery. Journal of Case Reports in Dental Medicine.
Edy Machmud, - and Muhammad Ruslin, - and Rahmat Waris, - and Rustan Ambo Asse, - and Andi Muamar Qadafi, - and Harun Achmad, - (2020) Effect of the Application of Chlorella Vulgaris Ointment to the Number of Fibroblast Cells as an Indicator of Wound Healing in the Soft Tissue of Pig Ears. Association of Support to Oral Health Research - APESB.
Andi Tajrin, - and Muh Hendra Chandha, - and Surijana Mappangara, - and Muhammad Ruslin, - and Rasmidar Samad, - and Fuad Husain Akbar, - (2020) Analysis of the Total Level of Flavonoids in the Brown Algae (Phaeophyceae) Extract as Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. APESB.
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Dewi Athirah Aksan, - and Said Karim, - and Abdul Asis, - (2020) Legal assistance agencies for children as criminal action victims in criminal justice processes. JURNAL CAKRAWALA HUKUM.
Ahmad Yani, - and Abdul Azis, - and Audyna Mayasari Muin, - (2020) Pelaksanaan Eksekusi Barang Bukti dalam Tindak Pidana Cukai: Tantangan dan Perkembangan. HANG TUAH LAW JOURNA.
Dewi Athirah Aksan, - and Said Karim, - and Abdul Asis, - (2020) Legal assistance agencies for children as criminal action victims in criminal justice processes. JURNAL CAKRAWALA HUKUM.
Dr. Ir. M. Yahya, ST,.M.Eng, - and Prof.Dr.Ir. Ananto Yudono, M.Eng, - and Dr.Eng.Ir.Farouk Maricar, MT, - and Dr.Ir. Arifuddin Akil, MT, - (2020) THE POTENTIAL FOR RAINWATER HARVESTING IN MAKASSAR COASTAL AREA, SOUTH SULAWESI, INDONESIA. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), 11. ISSN ISSN Print: 0976-6480 dan ISSN Online: 0976-6499
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Abd. Rasyid Asba, - and Andi Lili Evita, - and Fathu Rahman, - and Nahdia Nur, - (2020) The globalizing of copra and coconut oil industry of Makassar before the second world war. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 575.
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Muhamad Rusdi, - and Faizal Arya Samman, - and Rhiza S. Sadjad, - and Andi Ejah Umraeni Salam, - and Carmadi Machbub, - (2020) Standalone Single Phase DC-AC Inverter with FPGA-based Pulse Modulated Generator Unit.
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Marie J. Seraphim, - and Katherine A. Sloman, - and Mhairi E. Alexander, - and Noel Janetski, - and Jamaluddin Jompa, - and Rohani Ambo-Rappe, - and Donna Snellgrove, - and Frank Mars, - and Alastair R. Harborne, - (2020) Interactions between coral restoration and fish assemblages: implications for reef management. Journal of Fish Biology.
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Niels van der Windt, - and Esther van der Ent, - and Rohani Ambo-Rappe, - and Nicole J. de Voogd, - (2020) Presence and Genetic Identity of Symbiodiniaceae in the Bioeroding Sponge Genera Cliona and Spheciospongia (Clionaidae) in the Spermonde Archipelago (SW Sulawesi), Indonesia.
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Jenna R. Davidson, - and Robert N. Baskin, - and Hajar Hasan, - and Timothy A. Burton, - and Muhammad Wardiman, - and Nur Rahmah, - and Fadly R. Saputra, - and Muhammad Sultanul Aulya, - and Isra Wahid, - and Din Syafruddin, - and Frances M. Hawkes, - and Neil F. Lobo, - (2020) Characterization of vector communities and biting behavior in South Sulawesi with host decoy traps and human landing catches.
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Lady A. S. Wijayanti, - and 2Nurul Fitriya, - and Mochamad R. Firdaus, - and Tony B. Satriyo, - and Djumanto, - and Riza Y. Setiawan, - and Nurjannah Nurdin, - and Muhammad Helmi, - and Mukti Zainuddin, - (2020) Deep sea phytoplankton community of the Sangihe-Talaud Islands waters. Bioflux, 2020, Volume 13, Issue 5.
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Wahyuni S. Dwiandhany, - and Ahmed Abdou, - and Antonin Tichy, - and Kazuhide Yonekura, - and Masaomi Ikeda, - and Keiichi Hosaka, - and Junji Tagami, - and Masatoshi Nakajima, - (2020) Additive effects of touch-activated polymerization and extended irradiation time on bonding of light-activated adhesives to root canal dentin. THE JOURNAL OF PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY.
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A. Nurul Paratiwi Ramadhani, - and Mahlia Muis, - and Yunus Amar, - (2020) The Influence of Career Development and Work Environment on Performance Non-permanent PNS Education Staff and Retention As an intervening variable in the Hasanuddin University. Master of Management Student, Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University.
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Sakuda, Tomohiko and Kubo, Tadahiko and Phetrus Johan, MMuhammad and Furuta, Taisuke and Sakaguchi, Takemasa and Nakanishi, Mahito and Ochi, Mitsuo and Adachi, Nobuo (2019) Novel Near-Infrared Fluorescence-Guided Surgery With Vesicular Stomatitis Virus for Complete Surgical Resection of Osteosarcomas in Mice. JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC RESEARCH. pp. 1-10.
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Jangong, Oktavianus Sardy and Heryanto, Heryanto and Rahmat, Roni and Mutmainna, Inayatul and Lobo Gareso, Paulus and Tahir, Dahlang (2019) Efect of Sugar Palm Fiber (SPF) to the Structural and Optical Properties of Bioplastics SPF/Starch/Chitosan/Polypropylene) in supporting Mechanical Properties and Degradation Performance. Journal of Polymers and the Environment.
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Haryanto, Loeky and Nurdin, Nurdin and Hasmawati, Hasmawati (2019) Metric Dimension of Graph Join Two Paths P2 and Pt. Journal of Indonesian Mathematical Society.
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S Nusan, S Nusan and N H Soekamto, N H Soekamto and Syah, Y Maolana and Firdaus, Firdaus and E Hermawati, E Hermawati (2019) (R)-N-trans- feruloyloctopamine from the root timber of Melochia umbellata (Houtt.) Stapf var. Visenia (Paliasa). Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
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Rosalinda Zeniona Maarebia, - and Abdul Wahid Wahab, - and Paulina Taba, - (2019) SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF SILVER NANOPARTICLES USING WATER EXTRACT OF SARANG SEMUT (Myrmecodia pendans) FOR BLOOD GLUCOSE SENSORS. Indonesia Chimica Acta.
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Andi Suciati, - and Abd. Wahid Wahab, - and Paulina Taba, - (2019) BIOSYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION GOLDNANOPARTICLES USING EXTRACTS OF SARANG SEMUT (Myrmecodia pendans). Indonesia Chimica Acta.
Paulina Taba, - and Nadya Yuli Parmitha, - and Syahruddin Kasim, - (2019) SINTESIS NANOPARTIKEL PERAK MENGGUNAKAN EKSTRAK DAUN SALAM (Syzygium polyanthum) SEBAGAI BIOREDUKTOR DAN UJI AKTIVITASNYA SEBAGAI ANTIOKSIDAN. Indo. J. Chem. Res.
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Aris Patandung, - and M. Syukri Akub, - and Abd. Asis, - (2019) FISHING CRIME CONTROL ON THE USE OF EXPLOSIVE IN LEMON ISLAND, MANOKWARI, WEST PAPUA. International Affairs and Global Strategy.
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Isra Wahid2, - (2019) Comparative feld evaluation of kelambu traps, barrier screens and barrier screens with eaves for longitudinal surveillance of adult Anopheles mosquitoes in Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Jenna R. Davidson, - and Rusdiyah Sudirman, - and Isra Wahid, - and Robert N. Baskin, - and Hajar Hasan, - and Andi Muhammad Arfah, - and Nirwana Nur, - and Muhammad Yusuf Hidayat, - and Din Syafruddin, - and Neil F. Lobo, - (2019) Mark-release-recapture studies reveal preferred spatial and temporal behaviors of Anopheles barbirostris in West Sulawesi, Indonesia.
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Ridwan, Muh. (2017) Kebijakan Pengembangan Produk Olahan Susu Tradisonal “Dangke” Di Kabupaten Enrekang. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pertanian, Asosiasi Agribisnis Indonesia,.
Abd. Asis, - and Muhadar, - and Slamet Sampurno, - and Amir Ilyas, - and Kadarudin, - (2016) Strategic policy of the Government of Indonesia In the Field of Maritime and Fisheries Affairs. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 6, Issue 12.
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Andi Adri Arief1, - and Harnita Agusanty2, - (2016) Social Network Analiysis on Seaweed Farmer in Takalar Regeency A Case Study on Punaga Village. International Symposium of Indonesia Seaweed Consortium.
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Ridwan,S.Pt,M.Si, Dr.Muh. (2015) PRO KONTRA KEMITRAAN CONTRACT FARMING DALAM AGRIBISNIS AYAM BROILER DI SULAWESI SELATAN. Buletin Peternakan ; Media Informasi dan Komunikasi, Dinas Peternakan dan Keswan, Sulawesi Selatan..
Ridwan, Muh. and Hardjomidjojo, Hartrisari (2015) Meningkatkan Kinerja Kualitas Produk Olahan Susu Tradisional “Dangke” Berbasis Customer Competitive Dan Engineering Assesment Di Kabupaten Enrekang. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Peternakan Berkelanjutan.
Fatihah, Rosyida and D.A. Suriamihardja, D.A. Suriamihardja and Sakka, Sakka (2015) Analisis Pola Spasio-Temporal Arus Susur Pantai Periode Tahun 1983-2013 di Perairan Pantai Delta Muara Sungai Saddang. PROSIDING Seminar Nasional Fisika Makassar. ISSN 978 – 602 – 72198 – 1 – 6
Kondo, Alexander and Sakka, Sakka and D.A. Suriamihardja, D.A. Suriamihardja (2015) Analisis Karakteristik Ombak Perairan Pantai Delta Muara Sungai Saddang Periode 1983-2013. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fisika Makassar 2015 (SNF-MKS). ISSN 978 – 602 – 72198 – 1 – 6
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Abd. Asis, - and Andi Sofyan, - and Aswanto, - and Slamet Sampurno S, - (2015) PREFACE. JOURNAL OF HUMANITY. ISSN 2302-1861
Paharuddina, Paharuddina and Salam Solle, Muchtar and Sakka, Sakka and Ahmad Suriamihardja, Dadang (2014) Simulasi Dinamika Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Menggunakan Cellular Automata Untuk Menentukan Kelas Erosi Di Sub-Dasjeneberang Hulu Kabupaten Gowa Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Prosiding Seminar Nasional. ISSN 978-602-99218-8-5
Ridwan,S.Pt,M.Si, Muh. (2013) CONTRACT FARMING DALAM AGRIBISNIS AYAM BROILER TINJAUAN ASPEK REGULASI. Buletin Peternakan ; Media Informasi dan Komunikasi, Dinas Peternakan dan Keswan, Sulawesi Selatan..
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ANDI RANI SAHNI PUTRI, - and MUKTI ZAINUDDIN2, - and MUSBIR, - and MUZZNEENA AHMAD MUSTAPHA, - and RACHMAT HIDAYAT, - Mapping potential fishing zones for skipjack tuna in the southern Makassar Strait, Indonesia, using Pelagic Habitat Index (PHI). B IO D I V ER S I T AS Volume 22, Number 7, July 2021. ISSN ISSN: 1412-033X
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Kasbawati Kasbawati, - and Efri Mardawati, - and Rusni Samsir, - and Sri Suhartini, - and Anisa Kalondeng, - An appropriate unstructured kinetic model describing the batch fermentation growth of Debaryomyces hansenii for xylitol production using hydrolysis of oil palm empty fruit bunch. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment Volume 36, 2022 - Issue 1.
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FIRDAUS, - and NUNUK HARIANI SOEKAMTO, - and SENIWATI, - and SYADZA FIRDAUSIAH, - and HERLINA RASYID, - and BAHJA, - and MUHAMMAD FAJAR ISLAM, - Phenethyl p-coumarate and N-phenethyl-p-coumaramide: Synthesis, Characterization, Docking Studies and Anticancer Activity through P388 Cell (Fenetil p-kumarat dan N-fenetil-p-kumaramida: Sintesis, Pencirian, Kajian Mengedok dan Aktiviti Antikanser. Sains Malaysiana 51(4)(2022).
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NURLINDAH HAMRUN, - and MUHAMMAD RUSLIN, - and Erni Marlina, - and SRI OKTAWATI, - and TAKASHI SAITO, - and ANDI SITTI HAJRAH YUSUF, - and KENG‐LIANG OU, - Profile of vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism TaqI in patients with periodontitis. BIOMEDICAL REPORTS 16: 35, 2022.
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Nur Fadillah, - and Burhanuddin Arafah, - and Herawaty Abbas, - The Act of Slavery in 20th Century as Reflected in Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 66-72, January 2022.
Nur Afiah, - and Burhanuddin Arafah, - and Herawaty Abbas, - Burmese Women Portrait Under the British Imperialism in Orwell’s Burmese Days. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 213-219, January 2022.
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Takwa, - and Burhanuddin Arafah, - and Kaharuddin, - and Eko Putra, - and Masrur, -- and Azhariah Nur B. Arafah, - The Shift of Lexicon in Traditional Technology System in Tolaki Community at Konawe District of Southeast Sulawesi. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 980-989, May 2022.
Jumino Suhadi, - and Burhanuddin Arafah, - and Fatnia Paramitha Makatita, - and Herawaty Abbas, - and Azhariah Nur B. Arafah, - Science and Society: The Impact of Science Abuse on Social Life in Well’s The Invisible Man. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 1214-1219, June 2022.
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Muhammad Aditya Dwi Syandhy, - and Syerly Klara, - and Baharuddin, - Analisis Material Isolasi dan Bahan Pendingin Palka pada Kapal Pengumpul Ikan di Kabupaten Jeneponto. JURNAL RISET & TEKNOLOGI TERAPAN KEMARITIMAN Volume 1, Nomor 1, Juni 2022,.
Muhammad Iqbal Nikmatullah, - and Andi Haris Muhammada, - and Haryanto, - and Zulkiflia, - Pengaruh Jarak Rudder dan Propeller terhadap Kemampuan Thrust Kapal Perikanan 30 GT. JURNAL RISET & TEKNOLOGI TERAPAN KEMARITIMAN Volume 1, Nomor 1, Juni 2022.
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Afdhalash Ramadhan M. Ranahedy, - and Andi Husni Sitepu, - and Baharuddin, - Analisis Performa Mesin Menggunakan Bahan Bakar Hybrid Hydrogen – Solar pada Mesin Diesel Ford Escort 1.8. JURNAL RISET & TEKNOLOGI TERAPAN KEMARITIMAN Volume 1, Nomor 1, Juni 2022.
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Hasan Basri, - and Veni Hadju, - and Andi Zulkifli, - and Aminuddin Syam, - and Rahayu Indriasari, - Effect of Moringa oleifera supplementation during pregnancy on the prevention of stunted growth in children between the ages of 36 to 42 months. Journal of Public Health Research 2021; volume 10:2207.
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Ika Yustisia, - and Delvina Tandiari, - and Muhammad Husni Cangara, - and Firdaus Hamid, - and Nu'man AS. Daud, - A high-fat, high-fructose diet induced hepatic steatosis, renal lesions, dyslipidemia, and hyperuricemia in non-obese rats. Heliyon 8 (2022) e10896.
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Bela Putra, - and Aswana, - and Feri Irawan, - and Mukhlis Imam Prasetyo, - RESPON BOBOT BADAN AKHIR DAN KARKAS AYAM BROILER TERHADAP SUBSTITUSI SEBAGIAN PAKAN KOMERSIL DENGAN TEPUNG DAUN LAMTORO (Leucaena leucocephala) FERMENTASI. JITP Vol. 9 No. 2, 2021.
Marry Christiyanto, - and Surono, - and Fathiyatul Ilmi Munarifdah, - and Cahya Setya Utama, - VOLATILE FATTY ACIDS (VFA) DAN AMONIA (NH3 ) LITTER AYAM FERMENTASI DENGAN LAMA PERAM YANG BERBEDA SECARA IN VITRO. JITP Vol. 9 No. 2, 2021.
Dwi Maryana, - and Suriani, - and Ali Akbar Wahab, - and Fatma Maruddin, - and Ratmawati Malaka, - NILAI pH DAN TOTAL ASAM LAKTAT SUSU PASTEURISASI DENGAN PENAMBAHAN EKSTRAK DAUN BINAHONG (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis) SELAMA PENYIMPANAN. JITP Vol. 10 No. 1, 2022.
Ariani Trisna Murti, - and Karunia Setyowati, - and Farida Kusuma Astuti, - FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG BERPERAN MEMPENGARUHI KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN KONSUMEN TERHADAP PRODUK SUSU SEGAR DAN OLAHAN DI MALANG: Studi Kasus di Koperasi SAE Pujon. JITP Vol. 10 No. 1, 2022.
Yayan Triono, - and Nur Hidayah, - and Mohamad Haris Septian, - SIFAT ORGANOLEPTIK DAN KADAR AIR pada KUNING TELUR ASIN ITIK MAGELANG DENGAN PENAMBAHAN EKSTRAK KAYU SECANG (Caesalpinia sappan L. JITP Vol. 10 No. 1, 2022.
Yayan Triono, - and Nur Hidayah, - and Mohamad Haris Septian, - SIFAT ORGANOLEPTIK DAN KADAR AIR pada KUNING TELUR ASIN ITIK MAGELANG DENGAN PENAMBAHAN EKSTRAK KAYU SECANG (Caesalpinia sappan L.). JITP Vol. 10 No. 1, 2022.
Ardiansyah Ardiansyah1, - and Roni Rahmat1, - and Muhammad Azlan1, - and Heryanto Heryanto1, - and Dahlang Tahir1, - Nanocrystal composites cement/BaCO3/Fe2O3 for improved X ray shielding characteristics: Stability structural properties. Journal of Materials Research, 2022.
Roni Rahmat, - and Heryanto Heryanto, - and Sultan Ilyas, - and Ahmad Nurul Fahri, - and Inayatul Mutmainna, - and Mufti Hatur Rahmi, - and Dahlang Tahir, - The relation between structural, optical, and electronic properties of composite CuO/ZnO in supporting photocatalytic performance. R. Rahmat et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 270 (2022) 289–301.
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Ahmad Nurul Fahri, - and Sultan Ilyas, - and Muhammad Angga Anugrah, - and Heryanto Heryanto, - and Muhammad Azlan, - and Andi Tessiwoja Tenri Ola, - and Roni Rahmat, - and Nurfina Yudasari, - and Dahlang Tahir, - Bifunctional Purposes of Composite TiO2/CuO/Carbon Dots (CDs): Faster Photodegradation Pesticide Wastewater and High Performance Electromagnetic Wave Absorber. Materialia 26 (2022) 101588.
Olivia Desty Sabunga1, - and Cahyono Kaelan1, - and Andi Zainudin2, - and Ni Ketut Sungowati1, - and Muhammad Husni Cangara1, - and Upik Anderiani Miskad1, - Expression of CD133 Cancer Stem Cell Marker in IDH-Mutant and IDH-wildtype (Isocitrate Dehydrogenase) Astrocytoma. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol 23.
Karlina Amir Tahir1, - and Khairuddin Djawad2, - and Sartini Sartini3, - and Arief Budiyanto4, - and Ahmad Lalo5, - and Maulita Indrisari7, - and Syamsuri Syakri1, - and Asrul Ismail1, - and Khaerani1, - and Anshari Masri8, - and Upik A. Miskad9, - Collagen Thickness and Density in BALB/c Mice Exposed to UVB Light after using Siam Weeds Cream (Chromolaena odorata L.). Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 15(9): September 2022.
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M. Mansyur, - and M. W. Tjaronge, - and R. Irmawaty, - and A. Arwin Amiruddin, - Performance of Prefabricated Foam Concrete as Infilled Wall Under Cyclic Lateral Loading. IJE TRANSACTIONS B: Applications Vol. 35, No. 02, (February 2022).
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F Haring, - and A R Amin, - and K Rabbi, - and Kaimuddin, - and M Farid BDR, - and N Widiayani, - and Novaty E Dungga, - and F Ulfa, - and A Sahur, - Test on Cayenne chili (Capsicum frutescens L.) varieties on different growing media bioponically. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 807 (2021) 042056.
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N Rezkiana, - and Y Musa, - and Nasaruddin, - and I Ridwan, - and Kurniawan, - Physiological responses of clove seedlings applied with different microbial consortium in the rhizosphere and phyllosphere. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 807 (2021) 042041.
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K Mantja, - and R Dermawan, - and Nurfaida, - and H Iswoyo, - and S A Syaiful, - and A Dytheana, - Invigoration of Katokkon chili (Capsicum chinense Jacq.) seeds using halopriming and duration of immersion. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 807 (2021) 042052.
S Tobing, - and T Sipahutar, - and S Simatupang, - and M A Girsang, - and Nurfaida, - Improvement of the chili technology package for multiple production of red chili in Karo District. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 807 (2021) 042028.
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Luthfiyah Maretha, - and Rahmatillah Razak, - and Achmad Fickry Faisya, - The Relation between Rainfall and Larval Density of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever with Spatial Modeling. Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia Volume 18 Issue 1 2022.
Tamara Nur Budiarti, - and Arina Dery Puspitasari, - and Alfian Nur Rosyid, - and Diah Indriani, - and Soenarnatalina Melaniani, - and Fatimatuz Zahra Oviary Satryo, - and Lily Aina, - and Nanda Ardianto, - and Melinda Putri Amelia Rachman, - and , Fauzul Meiliani, - Insomnia Among Covid-19 Patients During Isolation Treatment in Inpatient Room of Indonesian Health Care Facilities. Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia Volume 18 Issue 1 2022.
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Harun Achmad1, - and Rasmidar Samad2, - and Mansjur Nasir3, - and Arni Irawaty Djais4, - and Hans Lesmana5, - and Rita Sitanaya5, - and Novianti6, - Nutritional Improvement in Children with Cieft Llp and Cleft Palate Using a Combination of An Obturator and Feeding Bottle Infant. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results ¦ Volume 13 ¦ Special Issue 8 ¦ 2022.
Ahmad Yani, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Ridwan Amiruddin, - and Sudirman Nasir, - and Asmin Fransiska, - and Aminuddin Syam, - and Yahya Thamrin, - and Intan Sari Areni, - and Rajindra Rajindra, - and Anto J. Hadi, - Prevention of Drug Use in Early Adolescents in Palu City, Indonesia. Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2022.
Muhammad Ryman Napirah1, - and Ridwan Amiruddin2, - and Sukri Palutturi2, - and Aminuddin Syam2, - and Anwar Mallongi2, - and Rosmala Nur1, - and Hermiyanty Hermiyanty1, - and Muhammad Basir3, - and Mahfudz Mahfudz3, - and Alam Anshary3, - Implementing a Non-Smoking Regional Policy to Prohibit Childrens’ Smoking Habits In Palu City, Indonesia: A Systematic Review. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences (eISSN 2636-9346).
Rosdiana Syakur1,2*,, - and Aminuddin Syam3, - and Veni Hadju3, - and Sukri Palutturi4, - and Anto J. Hadi5, - and Ridha Hafid6, - and Musaidah Musaidah7, - The Effect of Pumpkin Seed Biscuits on Nutritional and Zinc Status: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Pregnant Women. Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2022.
Ilham Salam, - and A. Arsunan Arsin, - and Atjo Wahyu, - and Agus Bintara Birawida, - and Aminuddin Syam, - and Anwar Mallongi, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Farid Agushybana, - and Aisyah Aisyah, - and Ahmad Yani, - and Muhammad Akbar Nurdin, - and Rezki Elisafitri, - Modeling Dynamic System for Prediction of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Maros District. Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2021.
Muhammad Alwy Arifin, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Muh. Yusri Abadi, - and Sudirman Sudirman, - and Anwar Mallongi, - The Analysis Quality of Service with Outpatient Satisfaction Participants of Social Security Administrator in Ge’tengan Public Health Center, Tana Toraja Regency. Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2022.
Miranti Miranti, - and A. Arsunan Arsin, - and Ridwan Amiruddin, - and Veny Hadju, - and Atjo Wahyu, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Muhammad Basir-Cyio, - and Muhammad Sabir, - and Diah Mutiarasari, - and Haerani Harun, - and Rahma Rahma, - and Rosa Dwi Wahyuni, - and Ketut Suarayasa, - Sanitation and Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation in Pregnancy Outcomes: Literature Review. Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2022.
Syamsiar S. Russeng, - and Lalu Muhammad Saleh, - and Widya Nur Wahyulianti, - and Sukri Palutturi, - The Effect of Age and Workload on Work Posture toward Musculoskeletal Disorders Complain on Loading and Unloading Workers. Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2021.
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Aslinda Aslinda1, - and Muhammad Akmal Ibrahim2, - and Sukri Palutturi3, - Transformation Model of Government Policy on Task Force Through Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic Handling Strategy in the COVID Tourism Ambassador Program in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2021.
Rosdiana Syakur, - and Aminuddin Syam, - and Veni Hadju, - and Sukri Palutturi, - The Impact Of Maternal Zinc Supplementation On Pregnancy Outcomes And Maternal Serum Zinc : A Systematic Review. Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(4): 8301-8313.
Fatma Nuraisyah, - and Hari Kusnanto, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Nova Nurlaily, - and Panggita Adistiyapuri, - and Apriyana Irjayanti, - and Wahida Mapandin, - and Vidya Aries Anggraini, - and Rochana Ruliyandari, - and Sugiarto, - The Spatial Analysis for Malaria Surveillance in Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia : A Cross Sectional Study.
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Amir Juliansyah, - and Septiman Rahman, - and Indra Indra, - and Berti Nelwan, - and Prihantono Prihantono, - Association of ERα-36 expression with the de novo resistance of tamoxifen in ER-positive breast cancer. IOS Press, 2021.
Trigarcia Maleachi Randa, - and Georgina Maria Tinungki, - and Nurtiti Sunusi, - Application Of Lasso And Lasso Quantile Regression In The Identification Of Factors Affecting Poverty Levels In Central Java. International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR) l. 6 Issue 4, April - 2022, Pages:350-353.
Dwi Ris Andriyanto, - and Prihantono, - and Salman Ardi Syamsu, - and Muhammad Ihwan Kusuma, - and Joko Hendarto, - and Indra, - and Nilam Smaradania, - and Elridho Sampepajung, - and Asrul Mappiwali, - and Muhammad Faruk, - Comparison of outcomes in patients with luminal type breast cancer treated with a gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog or bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy: A cohort retrospective study. Annals of Medicine and Surgery 77 (2022) 103614.
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Tornmy Rubiyanto Habar, - and Ardi Asadul Islam, - and Mochanund Hana, - and Waninggih, - and Ahmad Mahmudi, - and Muhammad Nasrum lllassi, - and Agussalim Buthari, - and Dikki Drajat Kusnayadi, - and fuzki Dipoaroe, - and Astul Mappiwali, - Transfer factor treatrnent in management of peritonitis condition: An experimental study in rat. Annals of Medicine and Surgery xxx (xxE) I 02755.
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Dwi Ris Andriyanto, - and Prihantono, - and Salman Ardi Syamsu, - and Muhammad Ihwan Kusuma, - and -, - and Joko Hendarto, - and Indra, - and Nilam Smaradania, - and Elridho Sampepajung, - and Asrul Mappiwali, - and Muhammad Faruk, - Comparison of outcomes in patients with luminal type breast cancer treated with a gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog or bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy: A cohort retrospective study. Annals of Medicine and Surgery 77 (2022) 103614.
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BudimanYunus, - and Dewi Yanuarita, - and Basse Siang Parawansa, - Physical Condition of Spawning Habitat for Olive Ridley Turtle (Lepidochelys Olivacea) In Coastal Waters of Polewali Mandar Regency, Makassar Strait. iJournals: International Journal of Social Relevance & Concern (IJSRC) Volume 10 Issue 1 January 2022. ISSN 2347-9698
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Amir Fajar, - and Warsinggih, - and Erwin Syarifuddin, - and Joko Hendarto, - and Ibrahim Labeda, - and Ronald Erasio Lusikooy, - and Mappincara, - and Muhammad Iwan Dani, - and Samuel Sampetoding, - and Muhammad Ihwan Kusuma, - and Julianus Aboyaman Uwuratuw, - and Muhammad Faruk, - The relationship between glycine levels in collagen in the anterior rectus sheath tissue and the onset of indirect inguinal hernia: A cross-sectional study. Annals of Medicine and Surgery 73 (2022) 103166.
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M. Bahri Arifin, - and Burhanuddin Arafah, - and Singgih Daru Kuncara, - Dayak’s Sociocultural Situation Through Locality in Lumholtz’s Through Central Borneo Travel Writing. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Vol. 12, No. 12, pp. 2695-2703, December 2022.
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Abdul Razak Munir, - and Nuraeni Kadir, - and Fauziah Umar, - and Gunawan Bata lyas, - The impact of digital marketing and brand articulating capability for enhancing marketing capa-bility. International Journal of Data and Network Science 7 (2023)..
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A. Muh. Aqsha Azhar Mangkona, - and Faizal Arya Samman, - and Syafaruddin, - SCR-Based Power Flow Control for Grid Integration in Home-Scale Photovoltaic System. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Computational Intelligence (CyberneticsCom).
Fitriyanty Dwi Lestary, - and Syafaruddin, - and Intan Sari Areni, - Deep Learning Implementation for Snail Trails Detection in Photovoltaic Module. 2022 FORTEI-International Conference on Electrical Engineering (FORTEI-ICEE).
Ayu Azizah, - and Amil Ahmad Ilham, - and Syafaruddin, - Spatial Analysis of the Spread of Tuberculosis Cases Based on Socio-Economic Factors Using Distance-Based Algorithm. 2022 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICELTICs).
Andi Nur Faisal, - and Andi Ahmad Ilham, - and Syarifuddin, - Provision of Information and Detection Systems on Two-Wheeled Motorcycle Accidents. 2022 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICELTICs).
Andi Najiah Nurul Afifah1, - and Indrabayu2, - and Ansar Suyuti1, - and Syafaruddin1, - IMPROVING THE IMAGE QUALITY OF GRAYSCALE THERMAL IMAGES TAKING FROM PHOTOVOLTAIC PANEL WITH CONTRAST ENHANCEMENT METHOD. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control Volume 19, Number 1, February 2023.
Hagus Tarno, - and Yogo Setiawan, - and Jianguo Wang, - and Satoshi Ito, - and M. Bayu Mario, - and Taufik Kurahman, - and Medyanti Suraningwulan, - and Asri Ainun Amaliah, - and Nur Indah Sari, - and Muhammad Alifuddin Achmad, - Partitioning of Ambrosia Beetle Diversity on Teak Plantations in Java, Sumbawa, and Sulawesi Islands. Forests 2022.
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Muhammad Farid Usman, - and Wiwik Wahidah Osman, - and Mimi Arifin, - Strategi Peningkatan Kualitas Permukiman pada Kawasan Resapan Air di Kelurahan Paccerakkang Kecamatan Biringkanaya Kota Makassar. al./ Jurnal Wilayah dan Kota Maritim Vol. - No. - (Edisi Januari 2023):.
Semuel Piter Irab, - and Hasmi, - and Dolfinus Yufu Bouway, - and Sarce Makaba, - and Muhammad Rachmat, - and Novita Medyati, - and Hasanuddin Ishak, - Changes In The Prevalence Of Stunting Among Toddlers In Papua, West Papua, And Maluku Provinces In Indonesia. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results ¦ Volume 13 ¦ Special Issue 9 ¦ 2022.
Rahayu Indriasari, - and Marini Amalia Mansur, - and Shanti Riskiyani, - and Muhammad Rachmat, - Nutrition Education Using Mobile Phone Application to Prevent Anemia Among Adolescent Girls: A Research Protocol for Effectiveness Study. Azerbaijan Medical Journal Volume 62, Issue 09, November, 2022.
Didit Darmawan, - and Fayola Issalillah, - and Rafadi Khan Khayru, - and Andi Raina Ananda Herdiyana, - and Arif Rachman Putra, - and Rahayu Mardikaningsih, - and Ella Anastasya Sinambela, - BPJS Patients Satisfaction Analysis Towards Service Quality of Public Health Center in Surabaya. Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia Volume 18 Issue 4 2022.
Dian Jayantari Putri K. Hedo, - and Nicholas Simarmata, - What are the Obstacles in Achieving Ideal Family Size in Reproductive Age Couples? Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia Volume 18 Issue 4 2022.
Leonardo Lubis, - and Tiara Kusumawiyanti, - and Gita Tiara Dewi Nasution, - and Febi Dwirahmadi, - Sleep Quality Profile of Mining Workers Based on Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia Volume 18 Issue 4 2022.
Cokorda Agung Wahyu Purnamasidhi, - and Ni Made Dewi Dian Sukmawati, - and Anak Agung Ayu Yuli Gayatri, - and I Made Susila Utama, - and I Ketut Agus Somia, - and Ketut Tuti Parwati Merati, - and Haruko Akatsu, - Clinical Features of COVID-19 Patients at Udayana University Hospital During First Three Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia Volume 18 Issue 4 2022.
Muhamad Iqbal, - and Ruslan La Ane, - Comparison of Reverse Osmosis and Non Reverse Osmosis Disinfection Methods for Drinking Water Depot. Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia Volume 18 Issue 4 2022.
Ida Leida Maria, - and Andi Selvi Yusnitasari, - and Clement Lifoia, - and A. Tiara Aurelia Annisa, - and Sri Mulyani, - Determinants of Hypertension Incidence in the Work Areas of the Bone and Barru District Health Centers in 2022. Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia Volume 18 Issue 3 2022.
Suci Prasetyo, - and Veronika Maria Sidharta, - and Komang Ardi Wahyuningsih, - and Yunisa Asti, - and In Sil Huh, - The Correlation between Vitamin D Intake and Quality of Life in the 17-35 Age Group. Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia Volume 18 Issue 3 2022.
Healthy Hidayanty, - and Abdul Razak Thaha, - and Syamsuar Manyullei, - and Rahayu Indriasari, - and Mesra Rahayu, - and Devintha Virani, - and Leng Huat Foo, - Perceived Barriers and Needs of Dietary Macro Nutrient Intake in Adolescent Schoolgirls in Small Island. Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia Volume 18 Issue 3 2022.
Rosdiana, - and Sri Evi Newyearsi, - and Dewi Yuniar, - Health Belief Model Analysis with Perception and Behavior of Mothers of Children Under Five Years Old with Diarrhea. Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia Volume 18 Issue 3 2022.
Ashar Nuzulul Putra, - and Witri Zuama Qomarania, - and Purwo Setiyo Nugroho, - and Adelina Fitri, - and Erny Elviany Sabaruddin, - and Ridho Muhammad Dhani, - Risks of Daily Living Activities on Related Disability. Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia Volume 18 Issue 3 2022.
ANDINA SETYAWATI, - and Moh Syafar Sangkala, - and Silvia Malasari, - and Nuurhidayat Jafar, - and Elly L. Sjattar, - and Syahrul Syahrul, - and Haerani Rasyid, - Virgin Coconut Oil: A Dietary Intervention for Dyslipidaemia in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus. Nutrients 2023, 15, 564.
Ulya Muhidin, - and Andi Ummu Salmah, - and M.Tahir Abdullah, - FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN UPAYA PENCEGAHAN KANKER PAYUDARA DENGAN METODE SADARI. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 1 | February 2022.
Muh. Arman Nyomba, - and Wahiduddin, - and Rismayanti, - FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN KEJADIAN ISPA PADA BALITA DI SEKITAR WILAYAH TPA SAMPAH. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 1 | February 2022.
Filadelfia Pirade, - and A. Wahyun, - and A. Muflihah Darwis, - FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN KEPATUHAN PENGGUNAAN APD PETUGAS IGD RSUD KOTA MAKASSAR. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 1 | February 2022 |.
Filadelfia Pirade, - and A. Wahyuni, - and A. Muflihah Darwis, - FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN KEPATUHAN PENGGUNAAN APD PETUGAS IGD RSUD KOTA MAKASSAR. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 1 | February 2022.
Andi Tenri Uleng, - and Rahma, - and Arifin Seweng, - HUBUNGAN PERAN INTERNET DENGAN PERILAKU SEKSUAL REMAJA PADA MASA PANDEMI. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 1 | February 2022.
Rifdah Safirah. HS, - and A. Wahyuni, - and Awaluddin, - FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN KEPATUHAN PENGGUNAAN APD PADA PETANI DI DESA LEMPANG. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 1 | February 2022.
Syahri Wahyuni, - and Anwar Mallongi, - and Muh. Fajaruddin Natsir, - ANALISIS SISTEM PENGELOLAAN LIMBAH COVID-19 (ALAT PELINDUNG DIRI) DI RUMAH SAKIT. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 1 | February 2022.
Husnul Afifah AR, - and Nurhayani, - and Muh. Yusri Abadi, - DETERMINAN PENERIMAAN VAKSINASI COVID-19 PADA MASYARAKAT DI WILAYAH KERJA PUSKESMAS MAKKASAU. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 1 | February 2022.
Elsar Noverdo Pabumbun, - and Syamsiar S. Russeng, - and Masyitha Muis, - FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN KELELAHAN KERJA PADA PEKERJA PT. MARUKI INTERNATIONAL INDONESIA. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 1| February 2022.
Musdalifah, - and Anwar Daud, - and Agus Bintara Birawida, - ANALISIS KUALITAS AIR DAN BEBAN PENCEMARAN DI DANAU UNIVERSITAS HASANUDDIN. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 1 | February 2022.
Hikmayani Iskandar, - and Göran Andersson, - and Herry Sonjaya, - and Raden Iis Arifiantini, - and Syahruddin Said, - and Hasbi Hasbi, - and Tulus Maulana, - and Abdullah Baharun, - Protein Identification of Seminal Plasma in Bali Bull (Bos javanicus).
Syukma Ekawati, - and Darmawansyah, - and Dian Saputra Marzuki, - FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN PEMANFAATAN PELAYANAN RSUD H. PADJONGA DG. NGALLE TAKALAR. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 2 | June 2022.
Kirana Syafa Ramadhani, - and Rismayanti, - and Rismayanti, - FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN KEJADIAN MIOPIA PADA SISWA SMA NEGERI 17 MAKASSAR. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 2 | June 2022.
Devy Oktavianti, - and Indar, - and Yusri Abadi, - HUBUNGAN MUTU PELAYANAN DENGAN KEPUASAN PASIEN BPJS RAWAT JALAN PUSKESMAS BIRU BONE. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 2 | June 2022.
Alfrida Sanda, - and Ridwan Amiruddin, - and Rismayanti, - FAKTOR RISIKO STUNTING PADA BALITA DI PUSKESMAS TAMALATE KOTA MAKASSAR TAHUN 2022. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 2 | June 2022.
Hasna, - and Irwandy, - and Nur Arifah, - HUBUNGAN KUALITAS KOMUNIKASI DENGAN TINGKAT KEPUASAN PASIEN DI RUMAH SAKIT UNIVERSITAS HASANUDDIN. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 2 | June 2022.
Sheren Maria Birgita Danur, - and Atjo Wahyu, - and Yahya Thamrin, - HUBUNGAN POSTUR KERJA DAN MASA KERJA TERHADAP KELUHAN MUSKULOSKELETAL PADA PENGEMUDI BUS. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 2 | June 2022.
Siti Fadia Chairunnisa, - and Darmawansyah, - and Sukri Palutturi, - PENGARUH BRAND IMAGE TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN MENGGUNAKAN PELAYANAN RAWAT JALAN RSUD HAJI MAKASSAR. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 2 | June 2022.
Tina Gelati Putri, - and Atjo Wahyu, - and Awaluddin, - HUBUNGAN PENGETAHUAN TENTANG PENGGUNAAN APD DENGAN GANGGUAN PENGLIHATAN PETANI DI KELURAHAN KACA. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 2 | June 2022.
Cristiyanti, - and Atjo Wahyu, - and Masyitha Muis, - PENGARUH SIKAP KERJA TERHADAP KELELAHAN KERJA PADA OPERATOR TERMINAL PETIKEMAS MAKASSAR. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 2 | June 2022.
Cristiyanti, - and Atjo Wahyu, - and Masyitha Muis, - PENGARUH SIKAP KERJA TERHADAP KELELAHAN KERJA PADA OPERATOR TERMINAL PETIKEMAS MAKASSAR. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 2 | June 2022.
Tri Junianti Rimba Marampa, - and Nurhayani, - and Dian Saputra Marzuki, - HUBUNGAN KUALITAS PELAYANAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN PASIEN RAWAT JALAN PUSKESMAS BATUA KOTA MAKASSAR. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 3 | October 2022 |.
Lilmawati, - and Wahiduddin, - and Rismayanti, - FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN KENDALI GLIKEMIK PADA PENDERITA DMT2 DI PUSKESMAS. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 3 | October 2022.
Azzahra Zulkhulaifah S, - and Syahrir A. Pasinringi, - and Nurmala Sari, - PERSEPSI KEPUASAN PASIEN TERHADAP KULAITAS PELAYANAN KEPERAWATAN DI RAWAT INAP TAHUN 2022. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 3 | October 2022.
Nurul Fadhilah Kahar, - and Syahrir A. Pasinringi, - and Adelia U Mangilep, - GAMBARAN DIMENSI PENGALAMAN PASIEN BERDASARKAN IMPORTANCE PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS DI INSTALASI RAWAT INAP RSUD LABUANG BAJI. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 3 | October 2022.
Siska Ayuningsih1, - and Muh.Yusri Abadi2, - and Amran Razak3, - FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN PEMANFAATAN IMUNISASI HB0 DI PUSKESMAS KOPPE KABUPATEN BONE. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 3 | October 2022.
Andi Nurul Fitri, - and Suriah, - and Sudirman Nasir, - EDUKASI MENGGUNAKAN KARTU KUARTET TERHADAP PENCEGAHAN PERILAKU BULLYING PADA SISWA SMP ISLAM. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 3 | October 2022.
Karmilasari, - and Muh. Arsyad Rahman, - and Suriah, - FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN PERILAKU KONSUMSI JUNK FOOD PADA ANAK BALITA (PRASEKOLAH). Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 3 | October 2022.
Khofifah Abidin, - and Ansariadi, - and Ida Leida M. Thaha, - FAKTOR AIR, SANITASI, DAN HIGIENE TERHADAP KEJADIAN DIARE PADA BALITA DI PERMUKIMAN KUMUH KOTA MAKASSAR. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 3 | October 2022.
Fitrie Ramadhani Reski, - and Indra Dwinata, - and Rismayanti, - PERSEPSI PENERIMAAN VAKSIN COVID-19 PADA REMAJA DI BANGKALA JENEPONTO BERDASARKAN PENDEKATAN HBM. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 3 | October 2022.
Abdul Muhaimin, - and Nurhayani, - and Indar, - HUBUNGAN ANTARA MOTIVASI DENGAN KINERJA PEGAWAI DINAS KESEHATAN PROVINSI SULAWESI SELATAN. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 3 | October 2022.
Nurkhaerati Amir, - and Dahlang Tahir, - and Heryanto Heryanto, - Synthesis, structural and optical characteristics of Fe3O4/activated carbon photocatalysts to adsorb pesticide waste. J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2023) 34:445.
Paulus Lobo Gareso, - and Heryanto Heryanto, - and Eko Juarlin, - and Paulina Taba, - Effect of Annealing on the Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO/ITO and AZO/ITO Thin Films Prepared by Sol-Gel Spin Coating. TRENDS IN SCIENCES 2023.
M.Hendra Chandha1, - and Surijana Mappangara2, - and Harun Achmad3, - and Sri Oktawati2, - and Muthmainnah Buddin4, - and DanielTetan-El4, - and Firman Salam4, - and Handayani Halik5, - Utilization Effectivity Of Pearl Oyster Shell (Pinctada Maxima) As Industrial Waste In Pangkep To Osteogenesis Bone Graft To Cavia Porcellus Femur. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results ¦ Volume 14 ¦ Special Issue 2 ¦ 2023.
Hans Lesmana1, - and Harun Achmad2, - and Rini Sitanaya3, - and Surya Irayani4, - and Ardian Priyambodo5, - and Ira Liasari6, - and Ellis Mirawati7, - Inhibition of Streptococcus Sanguis and Streptococcus Mutans in Gingivitis as a Result of The Mechanism of HNP1-3 and hBD-2. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results ¦ Volume 13 ¦ Issue 4 ¦ 2022.
Harun Achmad, - and Maria Tanumihardja, - and Sherly Horax, - and Marhamah F Singgih, - and Ali Yusran, - and Rini Sitanaya, - and Hans Lesmana, - and Arni Irawaty Djais, - and Zia Nurul Zahbia, - Effectivity of Occlusal Splint for TMD Treatment in Child and Adolescent. Journal of International Dental and Medical Research ISSN 1309-100X.
Ali Yusran, - and Nur Indasari Rajab, - and Harun Achmad, - and Arni Irawaty Djais, - and Gani A, - and Sumintart, - and Rasmidar Samad, - The Effectiveness Concentration of Basil Leaf Extract Inhibiting the Growth of Candida Albicans: Literature Review. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results ¦ Volume 13 ¦ Issue 4 ¦ 2022.
Sitti Nurani Sirajuddin, - and Amidah Amrawaty, - and Siti Nurlaelah, - and Nur Dwiana Sari Saudi, - Community Perception of Waste Pollution from Bolu Animal Market in Indonesia. Environment and Ecology Research 10(6): 749-754, 2022.
M. Bayu Mario, - and Ludji Pantja Astuti, - and Jue-Liang Hsu, - and Lekhnath Kafle, - and Ito Fernando, - Bioefficacy of eight different plant powders applied as fumigants against the adzuki bean weevil, Callosobruchus chinensis. Crop Protection 167 (2023) 106200.
Inda, - and Muhammad Alwy Arifin, - and Nurhayani, - and Anwar Mallongi, - Analysis of Implementation of Special Allocation Fund Policy at the Health Office of South Sulawesi Province. BALTIC JOURNAL OF LAW & POLITICS A Journal of Vytautas Magnus University VOLUME 15, NUMBER 3 (2022) ISSN 2029-0454.
Muhammad Hasyim, - and Burhanuddin Arafah, - Semiotic Multimodality Communication in The Age of New Media. Studies in Media and Communication Vol. 11, No. 1; March 2023.
Ida Ifdaliah Amin, - and Abdul Wahid Wahab, - and Rino R. Mukti, - and Paulina Taba3, - Synthesis and Characterization of Feldspar Aluminosilicate Minerals/MCM-48 Composite, Micropore and Mesopore Framework. Egypt. J. Chem. Vol. 65.
Herlina Rasyid, - and Nunuk Hariani Soekamto, - and Seniwati, - and Seniwati, Syadza Firdausiah, - and Firdaus, - Modelling the Anticancer Activity of 4-Alkoxy Cinnamic Analogues using 3D-Descriptors and Genetic Algorithm-Multiple Linear Regression (GA-MLR) Method. Journal of King Saud University – Science 2023.
BAHRUN, - and Tatsufumi OKINO, - and Herlina RASYID, - and Nunuk Hariani SOEKAMTO, - Biological evaluation and molecular docking of Indonesian Gracilaria salicornia as antioxidant agents. Journal of Research in Pharmacy 2023.
Andi Al!an Zainuddin, - and Andang Suryana Soma, - and Muhammad Firdaus Kasim, - and Sri Ramadany, - and Irawati Djaharuddin, - Spatial Distribution of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosisin Makassar City, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat, 2022.
Andi Alfan Zainuddin, - and Amran Rahim, - and Muh. Firdaus Kasim, - and Sri Ramadany Karim, - and Rina Masadah, - and Syahrul Rauf, - Geospatial Analysis of Cervical Cancer Distribution in South Sulawesi Province. Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2022.
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Yusran, - Evaluasi Desain Jarak Bebas Minimum Vertikal dari Konduktor Saluran Udara Tegangan Ekstra Tinggi (SUTET) 275 kV PLTA Poso II-Palopo-Pomalaa. Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications 2008. ISSN 978-979-8897-24-5
Yusran, - and Indar Chaerah Gunadin, - and Gassing, - Alokasi Optimum Pembangkit Tersebar Bertipeinjeksi Daya Aktif Pada Jaringan Distribusi Tenagalistrik Berbasis Particle Swarm Optimization. SEMINAR NASIONAL RISET INOVATIF II, TAHUN 2014. ISSN 2339-1553
Wawan Setiawan, - and Andi Muhammad Asmir, - and Tajuddin Waris, - and Yusran, - Studi Arch Flash pada Sistem Kelistrikan PT. Semen Tonasa. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Energi dan ketenagalistrikan III - SNTEK III 2016. ISSN 978-602-8509-22-0
Indar Chaerah Gunadin, - and Syafaruddin, - and Zaenab Muslimin, - and Yusran, - and Suwandi, - and Muh. Adnan, - Pengaruh Penetrasi Industri Smelter Terhadap Kualitas Daya pada Sistem Interkoneksi Sulseltrabar. Prosiding 2016 Seminar Ilmiah Nasional Sains dan Teknologi Ke-2 Volume : Desember 2016. ISSN 2548-6047
Yusran, - Simulasi Peletakan Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik Pada Sistem Kelistrikan di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Energi dan Ketenagalistrikan – SNTEK 2016. ISSN 978-602-8509-22-0
Yusran, - and Rizky P.P, - and Sri Mawar Said, - Simulasi Pengendalian Motor Arus Searah Berbasis Simulink Matlab. PR OS IDI NG 201 7© SE MI NA R IL MI A H NA SIO N A L SA I N S DA N T EK N OL O G I KE -3 Volume 3 : November 2017.
Andi Muhammad Fauzan, - and Haykal Dilfansyah, - and Affandi Alyan, - and Yusran, - and Andi Ahmad Kamil S, - Driver Traktor Semimanual bagi Pembajak Sawah di Kelurahan Pabundukang, Kabupaten Pangkajene dan Kepulauan, Sulawesi Selatan. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Elektroteknik dan Teknologi Informasi 2022.
Andi Indahwaty AS, - and Irwandy Irwandy, - and Rifa’ah Mahmudah Bulu, - Role of leader member exchange on nurse’s organisational citizenship behaviour from the Bugis tribe cultural perspective in Indonesia. AS AI, et al. BMJ Leader 2023.
Warahmah Sitti Fauziah Mawaddah, BSN, - and Mulhaeriah Mulhaeriah, RN, MN, CNS, - and Nurmaulid Nurmaulid, RN, MN, - Domestic Violence among Women During the Covid-19 Pandemic in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. International Journal of Caring Sciences September-December 2022 Volume 15 | Issue 3| Page 1682.
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Akhmad Toyib Rahardjo, - and Yusran, - Nilai Ambang Paparan Medan Listrik Saluran Udara Tegangan Ekstra Tinggi (SUTET) 500 kV Sirkit Ganda untuk Beberapa Kondisi Kehadiran Manusia. Laporan Penelitian Dosen Mandiri Tahun 2008.
Yusran, - and Indar Chaerah Gunadin, - and Gassing, - Alokasi Optimum Pembangkit Tersebar Berbasis Energi Terbarukan pada Jaringan Distribusi Tenaga Listrik Menggunakan Adaptive Weight Particle Swarm Optimization. Laporan Penelitian Hibah Post Doktoral Tahun 2013.
Yusran, - and Indar Chaerah Gunadin, - and Tajuddin Waris, - Solusi Optimum Instalasi Distributed Generation (DG) dengan Kemampuan Kompensasi Daya Reaktif Berbasis Algoritma Cerdas Gravitational Search Algorithm. Laporan Penelitian World Class University (WCU) Tahun 2016.
Yusran, - and Fauziah Haz, - and Ali Akbar, - and Arini Ridhowati, - and Gassing, - Komparasi Kualitas Daya Sistem Ketenagalistrikan Sulselbar untuk Kondisi Sistem yang Terhubung dengan Pembangkit yang Jauh dari Pusat Beban dan Pembangkit yang Dekat dengan Pusat Beban. Laporan Penelitian Laboratory Based Education (LBE) Tahun 2016.
Yusran, - and Andi Fauzan Alim, - and Aryawansa, - and Andi Bau Restu Wardana Ardam, - and Irfan Fatahuddin, - Protipe Pembangkit Listrik Berbasis Arus Laut/Sungai Berskala Laboratorium. Laporan Penelitian Dosen Penasihat Akademik (PDPA) Tahun 2019.
Yusran, - and Aryawansa, - and Andi Fauzan Alim, - and Andi Bau Restu Wardana Ardam, - Pembangkit Listrik Berbasis Piezoelektrik dengan Pemanfaatan Tekanan Mekanis untuk Instrumen Berdaya Rendah. Laporan Penelitian Dosen Penasihat Akademik (PDPA) Tahun 2019.
Yusran, - and Annisa Salsabila, - and I Putu Kanika, - and Aidilla Fitri Chumairah, - Desain Inverter Tiga Fasa Dengan Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) Minimum. Laporan Penelitian Dosen Penasihat Akademik (PDPA) Tahun 2021.
Yusran, - and Dewiani, - and Hasniaty, - and Gassing, - and Tajuddin Waris, - and Irfan Fatahuddin, - and Muhajir Ahmad Sigi, - Desain Pembangkit Listrik Piko-Hibrid (Tenaga Angin dan Surya) untuk Daerah Pedesaan. Laporan Penelitian Laboratory Based Education (LBE) Tahun 2022.
Yusran, - and Yusri Syam Akil, - and Hanser Aprusmin, - Simulasi Penempatan Pembangkit Tersebar Bertipe Injeksi Daya Aktif dan Reaktif Berbasis Metode Breeder Genetic Algorithm. Laporan Penelitian Laboratory Based Education (LBE) Tahun 2015.
H. Iskandar, - and H. Sonjaya, - and R. I. Arifiantini, - and H. Hasbi, - The Quality of Fresh and Frozen Semen and its Correlation with Molecular Weight of Seminal Plasma Protein in Bali Cattle. Tropical Animal Science Journal, December 2022, 45(4):405-412.
Sri Aliah Ekawati, - and Mukti Ali, - and Slamet Trisutomo, - and Regita Cahyani, - and Abdul Ghani, - Study of Settlement Pattern along the Coastal Line ofMakassar City. AIP Conference Proceedings 2543 , 020001 (2022).
Indar Chaerah Gunadin, - and Nurul Khaerunnisa Hasmudi, - and Zaenab Muslimin, - and Agus Siswanto, - Study of the Placement of STATCOM in the South Sulawesi Transmission System after the Integration of PLTB Sidrap and Jeneponto. AIP Conference Proceedings 2543, 040023 (2022).
Zaenab Muslimin, - and Riskiani, - and Indar Chaerah Gunadin, - and Agus Siswanto, - Study of Distributed Static Compensator (D-STATCOM) Installation in Makassar Electrical Energy Distribution System. AIP Conference Proceedings 2543, 040019 (2022).
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Andi Aliah Hidayani, - and Yushinta Fujaya, - and Dody Dh.Trijuno, - and Muh. Tauhid Umar, - and Nita Rukminasari, - and Alimuddin, - and Gunarto Gunarto, - REPRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE OF INTRASPECIFIC HYBRIDS OF BLUE SWIMMING CRAB (Portunus pelagicus). Indonesian Aquaculture Journal, 17 (2), 2022, 121-130.
A.C.M.A.R. TASAKKA, - and G. LATAMA, - and A.A. HIDAYANI, - and A. PARENRENGI, - and A. TENRIULO, - and A.N.R. RELATAMI, - and A.M. MOORE, - and A. SHAHEEN, - Variability of White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) Envelope Protein VP28 from Diseased Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in Indonesia. Sains Malaysiana 51(9)(2022): 2775-2788.
Muhammad Idris, - and Mimi Arifin, - and Rachman Rasyid, - STRATEGI PENINGKATAN KAPASITAS ADAPTIF MASYARAKAT DALAM MERESPON BENCANA BANJIR (Studi Kasus: Kelurahan Alliritengae, Kabupaten Maros). Muhammad Idris et al./ Jurnal Wilayah dan Kota Maritim Volume 11 No.16 Maret 2023: 1-14.
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Hartanto Mulyo Raharjo, - and Hendri Budiyansah, - and Muhammad Fadhlullah Mursalim, - and Putita Chokmangmeepisarn, - and Rungnapa Sakulworakan, - and Partho Pratim Debnath, - and Elayaraja Sivaramasamy, - and Solikhah Tridiganita Intan, - and Rungtip Chuanchuen, - and Ha Thanh Dong, - and Mahmoud Mabrok, - and Channarong Rodkhum, - The first evidence of blaCTX-M-55, QnrVC5, and novel insight into the genome of MDR Vibrio vulnificus isolated from Asian sea bass (Lates calcarifer) identified by resistome analysis. Elsevier, Aquaculture 571 (2023) 739500.
Sumitro Hatibie, - and Kaimuddin, - and Syamsuddin Garantjang, - The Effect of Manure Combination and Liquid Organic Fertilizer (LOF) on Livestock-Integrated Maize Farming Production (Zea Mays L). Hasanuddin J. Anim. Sci.Vol. 4, No. 1: 20-29.
Putri Damayanti, - and Muhammad Yusuf, - and Ambo Ako, - and Sahiruddin, - Characteristics of Bali Bull (Bos Sondaicus) Sexed Sperms with Freeze Dry Egg White at Different Incubation Time. Hasanuddin J. Anim. Sci.Vol. 4, No. 1: 30-40.
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Nur Eni Nur, - and Abdul Latief Toleng, - and Muhammad Yusuf, - The Quality of Bali Bull Sexed Sperm Using Soybean Extract Extender. Hasanuddin J. Anim. Sci.Vol. 4, No. 1: 48-57.
Sunarti Sunarti, - and Nancy Lahay, - and Muhammad Fadhlirrahman Latief, - and Reynard Gondipon, - Antibacterial Activity Moringa oleifera Leaf and Red Ginger Extract as Natural Feed Additive. Hasanuddin J. Anim. Sci.Vol. 4, No. 1: 58-67.
Suliman Mohamed Yousof Sadam, - and Ratmawati Malaka, - and Sudirman Baco, - and Jamila Mustabi, - Aflatoxin M1 in Milk: Occurrence and Its Risk Association: A Review. Hasanuddin J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 4, No. 2: 68-81.
Mutmainna Mutmainna, - and Sudirman Baco, - and ,Hasbi Hasbi, - Review: Reproductive Efficiency of Cows in Different Parity. Hasanuddin J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 4, No. 2: 82-89.
Sulmiyati Sulmiyati, - and Gemini Ermiani M. Malelak, - Evaluation of Color, Hardness, and Tannin Content in Soft Cheese, Suspesi Using Biduri Leaf Juice Level. Hasanuddin J. Anim. Sci.Vol. 4, No. 2: 90-96.
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Kirana Dara Dinanti Adiputra, - and Sukandi Sukandi, - and Siti Farida, - and Herry Sonjaya, - and Hasbi Hasbi, - Progressive Motility, DNA Fragmentation, Intact Plasma Membrane, and Acrosome Status of Frozen Semen Bali and Simmental Bulls. Hasanuddin J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 4, No. 2: 109-118.
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Maryam Fatima, - and Imran Zafar, - and Qurat ul Ain, - and Muhammad Masood Anwar, - and Waqas Yousaf, - and Mohd Ashraf Rather, - and Firzan Nainu, - and Rohit Sharma, - Multifunctional analysis and antimicrobial activity of Adhatoda vasica: a traditional medicinal plant. Drug Metabol Pers Ther 2023.
Firzan Nainu, PhD, - and Sukamto S. Mamada, MSc, - and Talha B. Emran, PhD, - Prospective role of NSAIDs with antiviral properties for pharmacological management of postsurgical procedures during COVID-19. Correspondence. International Journal of Surgery (2023).
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Nurfadhilah Asfa1, - and Ahmad Shayful Widianto1, - and Muhammad Khadafi Anugrah Pratama1, - and Reski Amalia Rosa1, - and Ahmad Mu’arif1, - and Risfah Yulianty2, - and Firzan Nainu3, - Curcumin-mediated gene expression changes in Drosophila melanogaster. Pharmacy Education (2023) 23(2) 84 - 91.
Firzan Nainu, - and Andri Frediansyah, - and Sukamto S. Mamada, - and Andi Dian Permana, - and Mirnawati Salampe, - and Deepak Chandran, - and Talha Bin Emran, - and Jesus Simal-Gandara, - Natural products targeting inflammation-related metabolic disorders: A comprehensive review. Heliyon 9 (2023) e16919.
Firzan Nainu, - Global, regional, and national burden of diabetes from 1990 to 2021, with projections of prevalence to 2050: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. Vol 402 July 15, 2023.
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Muh. Fadhil As’ad, - and Asbah asbah, - and Nur Rahma Rumata, - and Herlina Rante, - and Firzan Nainu, - Pharmacological Role of Deoxycholic Acid in the Regulation of Aging in Drosophila melanogaster. Biointerface Research in Aplied Chemistry Volume 13, Issue 6, 2023, 513.
Armini Syamsidi, - and Reski Amalia Rosa, - and Evi Sulastri, - and Nur Rahmah, - and Reski Amelia Kamri, - and Nur Rahma Rumata, - and Talha Bin Emran, - and Rohit Sharma, - and Ali A. Rabaan, - and , Firzan Nainu, - and Muhammad Sulaiman Zubair, - Immunomodulatory Effect of Begonia Medicinalis Ethanolic Extract in Drosophila. Biointerface Research in Aplied Chemistry Volume 13, Issue 6, 2023, 558.
Talha Bin Emran, - and M. Akiful Haque, - and Purnachandra Reddy Guntaka, - and Laliteshwar Pratap Singh, - and Mohd. Washid Khan, - and Aziz Unnisa, - and Mohammed H. Nafady, - and , Aasim A. Kazi, - and Koula Doukani, - and Firzan Nainu, - A Renewed Concept on Diabetic Retinopathy: Polyphenols as a Choice of Solution. Biointerface Research in Aplied Chemistry Volume 13, Issue 6, 2023, 588.
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Andi Muhammad Ichsan1* , Agussalim Bukhari2 , Subehan Lallo3 ,, Upik Anderiani Miskad4, Andi Afdal Dzuhry1, Itzar Chaidir Islam1 and and Habibah Setyawati Muhiddin1, - Efect of retinol and α-tocopherol supplementation on photoreceptor and retinal ganglion cell apoptosis in diabetic rats model. International Journal of Retina and Vitreous. pp. 1-12.
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Rohaya Langkoke, - Geospatial Analysis for Delta Evolution of Jeneberang River in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol. 10 No. 2 August 2023: 151-165.
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Fadyah Khamila Sahlan, - and Nur Fadhillah Ayu Eka, - and Muhammad Junaid, - and Nur Hardina, - and Nurmujahidin, - and Tutik Kuswinanti, - and Baharuddin Patandjengi, - The role of bacterial consortium as bioactivator to stimulate production and suppress grain rot disease and bacterial leaf blight in rice. J. Trop. Plant Pests Dis. Vol. 23, No. 2, September 2023.
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Elisabeth Clara, - and Paulus Lobo Gareso, - and Dahlang Tahir, - and Inayatul Mutmainah, - and Eko Juarlin, - and Roni Rahmat, - and Paulina Taba, - Synthesis and characterization of titanium dioxide (M-TiO2) nanoparticles doped transition metal (CoCu). AIP Conference Proceedings 2580, 050013 (2023).
Paulus Lobo Gareso, - and Eko Juarlin, - and Paulina Taba, - and Didik Aryanto, - Structural and optical properties of AZO/TiO2 heterostructures thin film on ITO substrates for solar cell application. Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-4519-2/$30.00.
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Naomi FrancisI, - and Becky BatagolI, - and Allison P. Salinger, - and Litea Meo-Sewabu, - and Audra C. Bass, - and Sudirman Nasir, - and Dasˇa Moschonas, - and Ruzka R. Taruc, - and Syaidah Syamsul, - and Hamdan Habsji, - and Autiko Tela, - and Isoa Vakarewa, - and Michaela F. Prescott, - and Isabel Charles, - and Idha Riu, - and Alexander Wilson, - and Mere Jane Sawailau, - and Losalini Malumu, - and Sheela S. Sinharoy, - Key mechanisms of a gender and socially inclusive community engagement and participatory design approach in the RISE program in Makassar, Indonesia and Suva, Fiji. Copyright: © 2023 Francis et al..
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Hasnawir Hasnawir, - and Bambang Supriyanto, - and Irsan Nuryanto, - Peran Modal Sosial dalam Pendampingan Perhutanan Sosial di Provinsi Maluku. Jurnal Hutan dan Masyarakat Volume 15 No 1, Juli 2023.
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Arniana Anwar, - and Agatha Maturbongs, - and Muh. Shofi, - Invigorasi Benih Merbau Melalui Teknik Matriconditioning dan Osmoconditioning. Jurnal Hutan dan Masyarakat Volume 15 No 1, Juli 2023.
Henri Henri, - and Rizqy Syafa'ati, - and Arthur Muhammad Farhaby, - Estimasi Cadangan Karbon Tersimpan pada Ekosistem Hutan Mangrove di Desa Kurau Timur, Kabupaten Bangka Tengah. Jurnal Hutan dan Masyarakat Volume 15 No 1, Juli 2023.
Dhina Mustikaningrum, - and Sulistyani Eka Lestari, - and Hery Prasetyo S, - and Maimunah, - and Kristiawan, - Penerapan Sustainable Livelihood Asssessment (SLA) dalam Menyusun Rencana Aksi Perhutanan Sosial: Studi Kasus di Desa Sidorejo, Kenduruan, Tuban. Jurnal Hutan dan Masyarakat Volume 15 No 2, Desember 2023.